I decided to pick this game up, mostly due to my friend's reaction of it. And wow, I didn't much care for the dnd elements honestly, I play the game irl and even there the combat is a chore at best. But the game's world is phenomenal, and the characters too were quite good as well, both as party members and as companions, I was especially fond of Gale.

Sadly, I didn't have a perfect experience, I stopped at chapter 2 not by choice but due to conflict with some mods I had installed, I confess that I was incredibly impatient, and so I chucked on a mod that pretty much broke the balance of the game, eventually I turned over a new leaf and stopped playing with it, chucking on a couple extra ones, (5e spells, a couple feat mods to add feats from dnd, and hexblade), no matter how much testing I got stuck whenever I tried to level up to level 10 or 12. And the crash log was no help either, then I finally tried to contact larion support since it seemed like a bg3 issue (the crash log one) but didn't get a response.

Overall people hailing this game as some ultra masterpiece are, - to me at least - honestly insane, this game is stellar, with more content then I'd expect from other games. But sadly I never would have experienced it as even if my playthrough would have finished I only do one play through of games mostly.

I can sum up my words quite concisely about bl3, it feels good to play but that's about it. It's something that is quite chilling to say about a mainline entry as opposed to a spin off, but it isn't entirely a bad thing. I don't know if bl2 was bottled lighting or what, but a story of bl2's calibre coupled with bl3's gunplay, would be phenomenal, easy 5/5 for me.

Oh and stop dropping so many legendry's, part of the wonder of finding an item like that is it's rarity, and making them drop as commonly as purples isn't a good thing.

Warning: Scalding hot takes below, opinions incredibly divergent from the main consensus on this game, I will laugh in your face if you get mad, it fuels me.

Disappointment doesn't begin to describe how this game makes me feel, and I can only hope that there'll be a new zelda game a bit more return to form. Maybe people like the direction that zelda has gone in, and I can see some of the positives from a game like this.

But playing or rather trying to play it, feels like I'm playing a zelda game spearheaded by Bethesda, which can really only spell grim tidings for one of the game series that's been with me the longest and one of the best I've ever played.

It's likely in the presentation of the world, or rather the lack there of a world in the first place that irks me, normally traversing the world is an interesting part of the game in and of itself if it's more open, I.E wind waker or skyward sword, however nintendo decided to forgo that in place of some dog ass open world with hardly any god damn thing in it.

Seriously, the sparsely packed islands in skyward sword, or the distant islands in wind waker, they were all substance, something tangible to interact with, in botw it's just walking, walking and more god damn walking with the occasional interesting tid bit on the side.

Coupled with the story and how it's presented, it isn't a bad story at all, but leaving everything so open ended, I need someone to genuinely sit down with me and tell me why having story progression be some hidden away secret that you have to find is fun.

The visuals and sound of the game are quite good though, I can't place what style it's trying to replicate like Twilight princess' oil panting style, skyward sword water colour paintings, but it is visually appealing, and the sound track was quite enjoyable from what I had heard.

If I had to give words to this game and what it means to me, it would be fear, that zelda has departed from the charming adventure it used to be, into this distant thing that is just wearing the skin of the franchise I had fallen in love with. Changes over the year are to be expected and hoped for for a lot of things, especially games, but I just pray that this is a change that will only help shape future games, and doesn't entirely poison it. But then again, with the sheer amount of copies this game has sold and how many it will sell into the future, it likely won't be letting up.

I'd call this slightly better then skyrim, but still just as mid. Bathesda are really good at making large open worlds with no god damn things in them. I will say that I didn't spend a long time playing this game, so I most definitely missed things, but I explored a decent area around the starting zone, and saw a bunch of busted up houses and empty brown looking hills.

I guess props to Bathesda for making a big game world, but I'd request that instead of that, you focus on making a smaller area more densely packed with things to see? A little bit of a suggestion rather then anything else.

Probably the most overhyped, overestimated, underwhelming game I've ever played? At least so far. Spent a large majority of the game wandering around lost without any idea on where to go or what to do. And so I just did stuff I wanted to do, which was fun until I wanted to continue the story then I was left directionless, and bored as fuck.

This game is up there with gta v in my books for being so overwhelmingly mid despite near universal praise.

Riding a mech around a large open world, flying from place to play, exploring a destroyed civilization and collecting resources for iirc a "last bastion" type settlement. The concept alone sounded amazing.

But what did I get? Bored as fuck. Overly complicated combat, just basic ass 3rd person shooter gameplay. All this potential and that's all they could do? Maybe they overshot on the scope, maybe they just ran out of budget? And the worst of all...

I had to grind just so my Javelin didn't look dirty as fuck. This is like watching the most beautiful cake you've ever seen, most pristine slice, perfect portion and the first bite draws you in, only to watch the waiter stumble and fall and it lands top side down on the ground. Low hanging fruit of a game to say is "sadly underwhelming" but I wanted to comment anyways.


Just not my kind of game, maybe I'll feel the desire to play it again, but only time will tell.


I played as a gunslinger, lunar lancer and neon ninja, could switch whenever I wanted with like 10 extra jumps flying across the map going from tower to tower. This game is really really good, I recommend playing it, I would rate it higher if I actually played it more.

I started as a templar playing with friends, actually got into the game which is unlike all the other times I've tried playing it, more recently and more distantly in the past. I made it to I think about chapter 3, or maybe it wasn't then my memory was hazy, but what I do know is that I invested all my points into health regen, cause I thought it was cool, tanky guy that just regens from anything, except that I didn't, and coming to anything that dealt any amount of damage I just died.

Maybe it was a stupid idea, but the game let me do that for the sake of giving people full freedom to play how they want, what really should be done is to have some sort of "recommended" build path, that will get you through the game up until the end that you can follow if you want to or you are new. Instead I had full freedom to ruin my character and pretty much be unable to progress to the point that I just stopped playing. Admittedly, this was some time ago, the devs may have amended this and since the game might be more new player friendly but I don't plan on returning.

Be me, bout 14 years old, see elsword "damn this game is perfect for me" boot up game and choose white haired edgelord, don't pay attention to the story, progress till about level 20, get my next class, level up further, eventually get bored and stop playing. Come back sometime later, completely naked, check inventory, clothes aren't there.

The one thing elsword shouldn't do, is take away the kick-ass costumes, I've heard that apparently they've got some insane stats and would be op, but they couldn't just... Make the armor do that and not the outfit? Then take the armor away? So I'm not left in my underwear?

Apparently it's so predatory so it's probably for the best that I stopped playing it.

I picked this game up ages ago and put it down soon after, then I picked it up again because a certain someone I was romantically interested in enjoyed this game (this comes up again later), already not a whole lot that piqued my interest, in mmo's I like to make cool characters, easy when the art style is realism and easy when it's cartoon-y or anime-y, but this is neither not a negative, but it made making a character that was "cool" hard.

Next was the races and yeah those were fine, pick a human, move on, then finally, the last part of the character creation arc, picking a class easily the hardest part as it's a pick one and that's it system rather then osrs or ff14, which meant that my choice mattered and I had to live with it, which made it even harder to choose as none of them tickled me at all, they all had a slight negative that turned me off them, but I eventually begrudgingly picked an engineer.

And now I'm actually in the game, and I followed the story, not very enthused, but then I'm presented with the gameplay, and the general exploration, and I actually start to have fun, just completing menial tasks alongside my partner while I enjoy this part of the game, but after like a couple hours of playing all the small side tasks are done, and I have to actually progress with the story, and I really just don't want to. And soon after I break up with my partner and now I just don't want to play the game at all, honestly it's not even from the person I was with though, it's just cause I really don't enjoy the story.

Honestly quite the long winded overview of my feelings on the game, but really it just has a negative connotation over all, both being a boring game and having some memories attached to it that I don't care for anymore, unfortunate as it's not the games fault but it is how it is.


Gender locked class, pretty much just try harding trying to sell sex (Quite the usual case for most mmos honestly), no server for where I live leading to an immense amount of lag and delay for inputs, a nothing burger story that I didn't particularly enjoy following.

Tera truly was a game that was made, and existed and is now gone, rip but I'm not that sad really.

Quite boring, I can hardly remember what I did, but I do remember I quit playing after so long due to lack of interest.

This game is like duel links yet even more pay to win, if I really wanted to just play yu-gi-oh I'd probably jump onto some of the online web based yugioh games, and avoid having to spend x amount of money just to have a decent deck, or be able to acquired more then 1 deck.

Extremely unlikely I'll play it again, not 100% my type of game really, then again yu-gi-oh has been a competitive card game for a reallly long time, so it's only fair that it takes some longer amount of time to really understand it.