the definitive crpg - i'm at almost 300 hours but only have three different playthroughs logged, two of which aren't even completed saves.

space trucking simulator. most of these hours were from when i had a flight stick + vr headset setup, which in my opinion is hands down the best way to play this game. its fun for a little bit while on a flat screen, but it tends to wear down after a bit. playing in VR though is insanely gorgeous and immersive, especially if you buy a cheapo flight stick to use instead of a keyboard and mouse.

this game will be sick five years from now when it's finally playable

absolutely insane amounts of content and some fantastic dlc heists

i will probably be retired or dead when this game leaves early access but that's okay bc the high i get from this game after finding something as stupid as a can opener after looking for hours is second to none

parkour not as good as dying light two but combat feels much better

coziest game known to man but i simply do not have the attention span to keep up

great game with absolutely zero replayability. the a/b storyline between leon and claire was sick though

really compelling game about a depressed dad learning to love his child after enduring immeasurable loss

running around big map - the game

the only appropriate way to play this is hammered and with the emote mod that lets you twerk

every now and then ill look at this game and just sigh a lil knowing we never got KotOR III