this game will be sick five years from now when it's finally playable

coziest game known to man but i simply do not have the attention span to keep up

absolutely gorgeous game backed up by an equally gorgeous soundtrack

this game first came out when i was in the fifth grade and it's most recent re-release dropped a couple months after i turned 22. mods have carried this game for the overwhelming majority of its lifespan

sick as hell but not really replayable imo

loot goblin: the game. the only valid instance of the argument "you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps." also, it's free!

playing this game gives me war flashbacks to working back of house

parkour better than dying light 1 but combat feels like waving around a wet noodle

will only ever play with a full stack. randos in this game scare me

probably more enjoyable with friends but the fun seems to die off almost as soon as the grind begins

this game never fails to scratch the "space exploration sim" urge that i get every so often, but it doesn't last for long since the sandbox elements don't really grab me that much.

its essentially copaganda but hey its fun so i'll look the other way

great with friends but it gets pretty repetitive

if i had the brain capacity to do what this game would ask of me it'd almost definitely be rated higher