how the hell is this in my steam library


this was probably fun when i was 15

was fun with friends in high school, now it just is Mid


only got it so i could get Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead for the dayz mod

i'm positive i had more hours logged in this game when i played it but thats probably because it was through a separate launcher. this game and the dayz mod were how i killed time for hours on end in middle school

the last Good battlefield game imo

no clue how many hours got put into this game but the multiplayer was fantastic at its peak, so many memories made when i was younger playing online

haven't played this in forever but servers are dead so rip

giving this one star solely because they still charge 60 dollars for this despite it releasing in 2015. don't pay full price for this

it says i've played 10 minutes but i do not believe steam