Pretty sweet. The portal mechanic creates an insane amount of possibilities for maneuverability and vantage points that adds so much depth to the gameplay of what would otherwise be a pretty straightforward shooter.

Very janky, lots of pop-in, slippery to control, and questionable level design. But when those boss fight themes kick in...

This game starts out really fun. Getting to rip dudes apart with a sword feels awesome. This momentum only gets so far though, because after only two or three levels it starts getting very repetitive. You fight the same demons over and over and over to seemingly no end. There is some variety in enemy designs sure but the only weapon worth using is the sword, so every enemy feels the same to fight. You can unlock new abilities and all that but they're mostly just extra flashy ways to kill enemies. There is no tactical reason to use them, and in fact they are so impractical it is usually a better decision not to. The same thing applies to guns, but at least the guns are useful against flying enemies, which are the only enemies that really stand out because you have to pull out a gun to hit them at all. Enemies also take way too much damage to defeat. I can't tell if it's because they're sponges, or if the hitboxes are just really bad (or both). Every level is the cycle of start somewhere, clear out a shitload of enemies for 10 minutes straight, navigate a map with almost zero direction on where you're supposed to go in hopes that you find something, accidentally find a "secret area" that forces you to fight another 10 waves of enemies, subsequently find the right way, fight the same 10 waves of enemies again, and be greeted with a cutscene that can't decide if it wants to be self-referential and funny or to take itself seriously. I played up to the point where you get the Nobitsura Kage and I didn't care enough to continue.

It's not bad. Pretty repetitive and kind of annoyingly difficult at times, but it scratches some sort of FPS itch.

The tightest and most thrilling combat system of any action game that I've played. Maybe not as insane as something like Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta, but every single hit, parry, dodge, counter, and whatever else has an insane amount of impact and rhythm behind it that I have yet to see anything else come close to. Every FromSoftware game I've played has been great, but this is my favorite.

A bit better than Saints Row IV. Being able to play as Johnny and Kinzie is a neat concept, and the amount of musical numbers is something I wasn't prepared for but definitely welcomed. Fun time.

It's okay. It's a little too out-there for my tastes even as someone who thoroughly enjoys Saints Row 3.

I know Saints Row fans tend to be contentious about this one, but it's the first one I ever played so I like it.

The overflowing amounts of personality in every single pixel of this game make it impossible to not enjoy.

Really cool that I spent $40 on this and Blizzard just decided to delete it forever.

That aside, this game truly was great. I don't often play games solely for multiplayer but this was a massive exception. The level of polish in nearly every mechanic made the mere act of controlling your hero feel satisfying, and when you put that into a 6v6 multiplayer arena you have a recipe for a really amazing time. I miss it.

It's playable, and for what it's worth I did complete it. But it's so janky and unoptimized, and considering its use of stolen assets and god forbid NFTs, I cannot recommend it. Not that you can buy it anymore due to it being delisted.

Hands down the best VR game that exists. It's one of the only two I've played where it actually feels like a genuine video game and not some kind of tech demo (with the other being SUPERHOT VR). Everything in Half-Life: Alyx feels like it was designed from start to finish to cater to the VR experience and make the absolute most out of it. I am entirely convinced from this game that VR is not just a gimmick, and I fully intend to buy my own headset if these are going to keep being made (or even to just play this one again).

It's alright. It's super different from the first game in a lot of aspects and not always for the better. I'm due to replay it I think.

The irrefutably best gameplay in the Metal Gear Solid series combined with the worst story and scope due to Konami fuckery.