Is it weird I actually liked this more than DMC1

"Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on"
"Sir, logging in peak."

Man, Alucard sucks in this game, he'll never be good in any Castlevania game if this is what he's like.

In all seriousness, god damn, what a game. It's just a better Castlevania 1 with a lot of replay value, and I enjoyed it a lot. Tied with Super 4 as my favorite game in the series.

(Note: This is part of me going through all of the campaigns in the Master Chief Collection, my thoughts are only gonna be about the campaigns and nothing related to the multiplayer/online play)

While the campaign started to get bullshit around Mission 8 or so, I still had a lot of fun with it. The story was incredibly interesting (Though I wasn't sure what was happening half the time until the end), the combat and weapons felt incredibly varied and fun to use, the pacing was very tight, and the whole thing felt super immersive. Outside of the sudden difficulty spike, being unable to make properly save states like a lot of other FPS games I'm used to, and not being able to keep weapons in between missions/when you resume a file early in a mission, I can see why people bought an Xbox just for Halo. It still feels very fun and refreshing to play even after over 20 years.

I don't want to be too hard on this game since the entire thing was made by one guy in his free time and only got to be an official product since he asked Capcom if they could publish it, and it is impressive that this is essentially an early form of a fan game.

But man it sucks, but in a very funny and charming way.


Not as good as I was hoping but I still had some enjoyment out of it, I especially got some fun out of Mega Man and Pac-Man as guest characters.

Is there a lore reason why Arthur decided to wear the most brittle armor known to mankind? Is he stupid?

How did the Sonic 06 load times get in this game