Zack deserves a better game. I liked the beginning of this game but at some point in the middle it just starts to lose me. If you've played a Hajime Tabata game you've played them all. All the tropes of his games are here and this is were they've all started. I didn't liked the direction of the game. The villain characters feel like they're made to not mess with the canon of already established characters and it shows, you can tell which characters some of them were supposed to be and fall flat. This game ruined my favorite part of the original FFVII that was brought back due to the poor direction and music choices for cutscenes. I love the soundtrack, it is the more stronger parts of the game. The lack of Aerith and Zack interactions was what I wanted most out of this game but they're too short and far in between because Tabata doesn't know how to direct romance. I was not impressed with the battle system. They go on auto pilot most of the time and you cant skip animations when they trigger a command. At one point it completely stopped working for me during a boss fight when it would always spam something very often. I'm very disappointed with this game because everyone says it's the best PSP game but I disagree.

As someone who likes music rhythm games its pretty "meh". It has this stage gimmick that affects your overall score which sucks for me as someone who isnt "creative" in a decorative sense. You basically decorate the stage you're performing on, dress up Hannah and her performers. This game has the most creepy 3D model of Miley Cyrus I've ever seen in a game. For a rhythm game its pretty basic and easy which isnt too bad for the target age group but not so much for rhythm game fans. Play The Movie game instead or anything else. For the PSP I recommend the Project Diva Miku Hatsune games.

I really liked this game my only critique is how both routes are 90% identical. I played as both characters and played both A and B routes for Claire but I didn't see much of a difference after the RPD section with the exception of item placements and an extended ending. I just didn't bothered playing as Leon again for his B route. Overall I did enjoy my time with it very much.

As someone who loves music rhythm games I was curious how this game was. It's very easy if you're good at rhythm games and have some familiarity with the music, I've gotten 5/5 stars on every song. You can still get a 5/5 rating with a few mistakes because the game is generous (it is for kids and pre-teens after all). I got most of the trophies form just playing normally. If you want to go full platinum you have to do some grinding and redo a horseback riding mini game a few times. The one thing that's preventing me of getting the platinum are 2 mini game trophies. One that needs me to do it perfectly and another that requires 3 other people to play with you (offline).

I liked it and disliked it for different reasons. I'm not a fan of the pacing of the worlds as they seem to drag on forever. For one world they make you do the same thing 3 times. I dont really mind this not being like KH2, that's the point. I did start to like things towards the end but that's very much it. I hope future entries are better than this.

I guess one good thing I can say about this game were the visuals and how close they wanted this to look like the anime. It looks very good but the gameplay itself isnt the best. Maybe if they put this on a PS1 it would have been better.

The music, the polygon lego characters, and the story. I loved it.

As a fan of music rhythm games I'm very disappointed. Probably for a kid's first music game but not for someone who plays music games regularly as it is way too easy that I didn't have to pay close attention to the screen like Project Diva Miku Hatsune. If you want story bits just look it up on YouTube because the "story" of this game is literally saved to the last segment of the game while 90% of the game are just story recaps of previous games narrated by Kairi. The tracklist could have been better. Also... no "Swim This Way"?

I'm very disappointed with this entry in the DOA series. I loved playing the previous games and unlock costumes but I couldn't do that with this game. Its a lot better now but it's still not a game I would recommend.

A fun nostalgia trip when I got the game again after 11 years. You can 100% this game in one sitting.

From lego polygon character models to photo realistic models. I really really enjoyed my time with this game. This was more than a fresh coat of paint this was a revival.

I actually really liked this game. I dont play many Musou games but I found this game fun overall. The thing that keeps this game a perfect 5 for me is the fact they used footage from the movie trilogy for the golden age arc and the fact that there is no English dub.

Despite some issues with this game like just the most minimal thing can cancel your attacks and the arcade feel, I do have a soft spot for it. I played it during the early days of reading the manga and bought a Dreamcast just for this game. Pro tip: don't feel ashamed if you feel like you have to play on Easy, there is this weird difficulty spike.

This is probably the best anime game I've ever played. I read through the guide book saying they basically took inspiration from the manga for the attack animations. I loved how they adapted the manga panels on screen and it's a total shame it never got brought over to the west officially.