It’s true that it’s much shorter than Boneworks but I understand it was meant to be something to work off of. Apparently is awaiting some quality of life changes for the modding sdk. Got into the lavagang discord in the first 24 hours, was the ~250th person to join, very very hype.

Phenomenal, amazing game. All the guns feel great.

If I HAD to decide what would be the greatest game of all time, it would be Outer Wilds.

Haven’t finished the campaign but played a ton of the multiplayer, enjoyed pretty much every second. The battle pass system done right.

Virtually flawless game that everyone should play once. Sick soundtrack.

I’ve put 2000 hours into this game and will probably log another 2000, as long as I have friends who like to raid. Just remember it’s okay to take a break.

Weakens 343 campaign by far, with some of the worst retconning the series has ever experienced. The multiplayer was fun and fast though, enjoyed many hours of warzone.

I understand the hate crowd for this game, but as it was my first I had no standing bias for the rest of the series. Extremely emotional game about brothers and growing up. Killer soundtrack and huge boss fights that I remember today.

A mid tier immersive sim with boring dialogue, an ending with an easy moral decision, and a non lethal route only available in this directors cut. I love this game.

A graphical upgrade with very little improvements from HR, but that art direction and soundtrack manage to elevate this one just enough.

Absolute classic, the rise of Marty O’Donnel. Some of the best level design and gameplay on the console, weak second half though.

This generations Arkham, combat’s a little bland but the story is so damn good you can’t put it down.

Can’t think of a single thing wrong with this game, except for the fact I’ve been unable to replay it whatsoever.