This is kind of the really cheap Chinese version of a game attempting to be a little of resident evil and silent hill, but worse. I mean, it is playable, but man, the dialog in this game stinks and is just crappy bad.

It's still in development, but what it has is good. I like the farming system, the design of the characters, and the combat system. The story is cool; I would not say that I am totally hooked on it, but it serves its purpose. Let's see how this turns out with the passage of time.

The perfect game to completely destroy any PC; no matter how much money it costed you, you won't survive. Fireworks look cool.

I really like card games, and this one is roguelike. Just a great game with unique visuals, and it is challenging in some way, or at least in my case, not much, but the puzzles and it just keeps you wanting to discover all the secrets this game hides.

I feel good to have played this game before it became so popular. I thought I found a hidden gem, but well, I am glad it is receiving the attention it deserves. It is simple and nice and is just a Russian roulette game but using shotguns.

The game has a great, unsettling ambience that is good at the beginning, but after a while in silence, the game just starts to throw jumpscares to make you do the minimum bit of noise possible, but yeah, it is creppy at first, but later it gets lame.

The Day Before was something I was really looking forward to this year and I think it had potential. However, it breaks my heart to see how many people gave it terrible reviews even in early access, and it is very sad that the studio Fntastic is closing after this without being able to show the players what The Day Before is really like.
The game is rather empty and was not prepared for the kind of attention that was anticipated. It is also not good that $40 was spent on an early access that is essentially empty. I'm only going to give it a 5-star review since I think it deserves more if the developers put more effort into building the game rather than trying to pass it off as something else entirely.

Thanks to this game I realize that I am the Pineapple on Pizza, and I also like pineapple on pizza.

I ultimately don't think the tale is that great since I don't think this game is as amazing as The Forest game. Even though it is in early access, this was my first experience with the survival game genre. The gameplay is ok, nothing to get too pumped about in my opinion. It gives away enough about the overall plot of the game, so I doubt I'll play it when it's fully released. I was disappointed to learn that this is a sequel to The Forest, even if I just had the opportunity to watched the plot and gameplay of that game. I don't want to draw any comparisons. I just did not like it.

This game has saved me so many times when I had no idea what to do without the internet. It is truly a master piece of gaming. This is the real GOTY for life.

The last hope is an incomplete game. It really can get better if they put more content and fix Eve to stop putting herself where the zombies are, so we can't beat this game at least.

Everything was going well in the plot until they made the decision to begin omitting years. I had the impression that the game's creators were stumbling along, feeling a little uninspired and, well, mediocre. While they had a nice idea, they didn't use their resources—the Half-Life games, in this case—to their advantage or create something that was more creative and perhaps even better.