How come they don't make games where you drive fast and crash into cars anymore?

Unlocking an achievement on my phone and having it show up on my Xbox profile was the greatest thing I'd ever seen.

A lot of the atmosphere of the original is stripped away with the anniversary graphics. However, I give the developers props for allowing you to switch to the old graphics on the fly.

Amazing package overall, but I miss the trophies.

Incredibly solid immersive sim from a time when immersive sims were basically gone from the culture. The plot twist is an all-timer.

Boring and overlong but with just enough camp to keep it semi-interesting.

Main story is pretty bad as are some of the DLCs but the world is so engrossing. I've so many hours wandering around listening to the radio.

Blows the original out of the water. The twists and turns the story takes had my 9 year old jaw on the floor.

The campaign has some fun gameplay segments but the story and boss fights are piss poor. The multiplayer has grown on me and I think it's pretty good now, but the loot boxes suck.

Gameplay is weakest aspect. Unfortunately most of the game is gameplay. The world and characters make me yearn for the fabled Star Trek RPG we've never gotten.

Painfully average. The game that made me stop preordering.

It's alright. Interesting direction but it didn't seem to resonate with many people.

Fantastic pirate game. The assassin missions are the most boring parts.