1115 Reviews liked by TheYeti

To make it short: RDR2 is THE best open world game that has been ever made, obviously by the studio that has been making THE best open world games out there. It's superior on all levels to all other games that claim to be open world and is only one of the very few that truly live up to the genre name.

A fold apart is a cute little game with decent puzzling mechanics (that I personally didn’t particularly enjoy) on the outside and a touching story on the inside.
At first glance it deals with a couple suffering the obvious pains of a long distance relationship. But more abstractly it’s about communication, may it be with a loved one, a family member or a friend. Texting has become the new normal not only for millennials. What has been thousands of years of cognitive evolution for our species (where we have learned to process nuanced facial expressions, jittery voices, fearful eyes and tons of other emotions) in order to communicate and build entire civilizations on that foundation, is now stripped down to a couple of bits and bytes. A single written word can often times leave us with an abundance of doubt, misunderstanding and loneliness, even if it’s meant to evoke opposite feelings. You never really know, how something you have written impacted the other person, as you don’t have them in front of you to analyze it.
A fold apart depicts exactly that and leaves me with a scary and weird urge to have more meaningful contact to other humans. You know? With eye contact, hugs and whatnot.

don't expect much of a cod-campaign other than some nice set pieces and cool scripted action sequences. And on that it delivers, like always. The game engine also received some meaningful updates since I've last play cod. Where the game really shined was in the last 2 missions you do, especially the one "inception"-moment is absolutely amazing and I sure as hell did NOT expect it in a cod game.
The multiplayer is business as usual and since I like to play br-games more, it really functions more as a warm-up (and also leveling opportunity of all the guns i'd use in warzone).
Call of Duty is nothing out of the ordinary and plays a lot of it safe, but it was and probably will be a constant player in the shooter genre. And I'm fine with that.



I’ve seen the logo of PT on the playstation store one day, as I was checking daily for new games to try out. A little check on Google didn’t really tell me anything about this game, but it had been just released that day and I thought fuck it, let’s go for it.
What happened in the next 2-3 hours was the most terrifying video game experience I ever had. I went on to show this demo to everyone I know, without telling them anything beforehand, as I wanted them to have the raw and jaw-dropping experience I had. And I played it over and over again. It’s a masterpiece in every sense of the word and spawned a multitude of indie horror games afterwards, that tried to recreate the ingenuity of it, but it was never reached imho.
I was super sad to hear the game got cancelled in the end, but in retrospective I think that only added to the legacy of it.

I’ve played this game so many many many hours over and over again, even if my pc back then was barely able to run it.
It’s been decades since I last played it, but I remember this being a pioneering game in many ways. I’d love to get back to it for a more thorough review and to check on how the game aged :D

Meticulously crafted game with awesome visuals and great soundtrack. The gameplay being as addictive as it is, this remains one of my go-to mobile games.

I guess, for many, this is the game where it all started. I was too young for it to be true for me, but I’ve spent many hours with it nonetheless, albeit not playing on the NES, but emulated on my pc. I even considered speed running this but gave up quite quickly. I mean, it’s Mario, not much else to say.

I really love the classic noir detective movie and rockstar have come quite far in replicating that in a videogame, which was both ahead of it’s time and trapped in game mechanics from the past. It was a lot of fun and a very unique endeavor and I’d like to think of it as a first draft of something, that’ll get better in the next try. I hope they have not abandoned that idea internally.

I've played this game with a group of friends, after being asked to do so for quite a time. I've never really enjoyed playing Werewolves IRL, so I didn't expect Among Us to catch me. And oh boy, was I right. After a couple of rounds of aimless wandering about and heated discussions afterwards, that were more exhausting than anything else, I had to quit. Just not my cup of tea.

this game was a constant companion for at least 3 years of my youth. the time I tried to learn skatin in real life, i was trying to perfect insane and unrealistic combos ingame. a milestone.

the game that introduced me to online gaming. the game that made me want to be in esports. the game that made me arrange multiple training sessions per week with a clan. yup, the game that consumed a big chunk of my early youth.

This game is really well made and highly polished for a multiplayer shooter. I was really hyped when I started, but then the reality of the learning curve hit hard. I was just destroyed most of the time and at some point I kinda realized, I'd have to powergrind this game to reach an enjoyable experience. Also: the monetizing struck me as a bit too over the top. But retrospectively and compared to other games nowadays, I guess it's within the confines of the new "normal".

What could've been a much bigger success, ended up in just paving the way for other developers to make better games with a great idea. The first couple of months with PUBG were exciting, fun and highly competitive. But the developers lacked in vision and interest in polishing the game and with that also my interest was gone as soon as I had seen better BR games. Still, to this day, I'm upset about the direction the game took. Kind of reminds me of dayz.



Rogue-like perfection. Art style, Sound Design, gameplay loop - especially the many ways to upgrade and experiment with skill setups - make this fun no matter how many times you die and play through the game again. Highly recommended for anyone who is remotely into these kinda games.