I originally played Ocarina of Time the year it came out when I was a kid, and the feeling of "this is the greatest thing ever" has stuck with me for a while even though my detailed memories of the game faded. I'd been wanting to go back to it for years but I've sort of been worried that my replay of it would reveal more flaws as I view it with an older, critical eye. But after finishing my replay, I love it just as much as I did as a kid. Yeah there are some annoyances like the occasionally finicky Z-targeting, or the entire Water Temple, but as a whole, Ocarina of Time holds up remarkably well. And even though I really had forgotten a lot of the game, I was shocked by how much was still somewhere in my brain waiting for me to blow the dust off.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023


1 year ago

That late 90s feeling of amazement really was something. Whenever I play through Ocarina, I remember the things that made me mumble "Wow" under my breath.

The hyper-shiny textures of items held over Link's head.
The Fairy Flying and Kokiri Forest music.
Entering Hyrule Field.
Seeing the spiritual stones on their pedestal.
Sheik in general.
New tunics.
Messing up the windmill with the Song of Storms.
Getting the Fire Arrows.

It's all just so good. Glad it's held up for you!

1 year ago

@thealexmott I really wish I had such specific memories of the game like you do. This was my first ever Zelda game as a kid so there was not sense of "whoa this is so much cooler than old games". It was an entirely new experience for me.
But I do remember thinking Shiek was cool af.

1 year ago

I discovered the Zelda franchise in early 2021, and Ocarina of Time in late 2021, so I was really late to the party
The game clearly aged really well, because I had a lot of fun.

I like how the progression isn't always obvious. I got lost for a few hours trying to find the hookshot in Kakariko (right after Link becomes an adult)
I also had trouble figuring out you have to use the song of storms in the windmill, like almost every player.

Honestly, if I didn't have a bias for Twilight Princess, my first zelda game, I would say OOT has the best soundtrack in the franchise!

1 year ago

@Armakeen that's so cool! Must be incredible to get into this series now, with so many games available. Speaking of the OoT Soundtrack, you should really listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDH3g6rRjM8&ab_channel=Dr.Pez-VGM

1 year ago

YESSSSSSS, also same I replayed it for the first time in forever a couple years ago and it’s amazing how much I remembered but also how much stuff I completely missed. Magical game.

1 year ago

@thealexmott Yo this is dope.

1 year ago

@jarsh I wish I could like comments. I cannot. So I am telling you verbally that I like your comment. Great game is great.

1 year ago

@TheYeti now we know what to pressure Prog for in the next update 😆