Remember when Ubisoft made an Assassin's Creed game with "dual leads" of a brother and sister, and let you free roam with whichever one you wanted, but then when it came time to actually do the main story assassinations, it forced you to play as the boring male sibling? Classic Ubisoft.

A great but finnicky couch co-op puzzle game with some inconsistent puzzle quality.

Some puzzles are real thinkers that make you put your minds together and figure out how to work your way through it.
Some require you to move in slow motion with absolute precision through the entire level or else a laser will move just the wrong way and kill you.
Those levels feel less like puzzles and more like tests of patience and are often made more difficult by the finicky nature of the movement.

A cube-based puzzler is good in theory but more often than not you just end up getting your cube’s edges stuck on the environment and get flung into space or fall off the map.

It's TRON tennis. Not much more to do than play a couple rounds and go "oh neat" and then move on,

This game is just more Uncharted 4 except with different characters this time. If I hadn't just played Uncharted 4 I might've been more enthusiastic about this.


My wife and I started played this together and it seemed kind of promising but it ultimately just wasn't very fun. Controls felt bad and the story wasn't all that interesting,.

One of my favorite local multiplayer experiences in recent memory. This game simultaneously has the power to bring you closer to your friends when you crush a level together, or tear you apart when you fail. A real test of your relationships.

Sometimes I'll remember that not only did Telltale do a Game of Thrones game in which several stars from the show inexplicably show up in, but that I played all of it for whatever reason. This game suffers pretty severely from the "you're playing this really important character that knows everyone but for some reason no one ever talks about you in the main story" thing that many prequels suffer from. A pretty pointless game that is one of Telltale's weakest and adds nothing of value to the Game of Thrones universe.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

A game with kind of fun writing, wonderful art, and relatively interesting characters that is an utter drag to play. I really loved Oxenfree, so it's disappointing to find Afterparty to be not very great

If the game had a reasonable movement speed and actions were performed in a more timely manner, this game would probably be beatable in a couple hours. As it is, it drags and takes forever to do absolutely anything.

Imagine Oxenfree but somehow slower and with larger environments that take more time to get around.
Got the Plat in Oxenfree. Could barely get through one playthrough of Afterparty.

This is a great game for a laugh with a room full of family that don't really play many video games. We brought this with us on a family vacation and, after the first night, every day had someone asking us to bust it out so we could play more. That said, this game should've been a pack-in. Charging $50 for what is essentially a tech demo is highway robbery.

Mainly got this because it had a 3D mode and we had a 3D TV. It was neat but the floaty platforming turned me off real quick.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 9 years ago:

Great Pokémon game that feels unfinished in some places. I don’t mind the smaller PokeDex as it made it easier for someone like me to complete my living Dex, but some features in the game felt half baked. Many of the cut scenes didn’t even feel finished.

That said, I’ve put more time into this Pokémon game than any other Pokémon game before it and even after beating it I kept returning to do some raids and shiny hunting.

Huge improvement over the previous Uncharted games in gameplay, visuals, and storytelling. Great game and solid ending to the Uncharted series.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

A fun and wacky game that nails the jokes, even if the gimmicks sometimes overstay their welcome.

The best part of What the Golf is it is barely a golf game. It's more focused on breaking golf or using "golf" as a vehicle to tell silly jokes, spoof other video games, or just do wacky stuff. Getting to a new area to see what the new joke or gimmick was is honestly the most fun part of the game. The issue, however, is occasionally those gimmicks overstay their welcome. It doesn't take long to go from "Haha! Wow! What a fun spoof on ___" to "OK I get it let's go on to the next thing".

Going for 100% was simultaneously fun and a bit draining. Getting a crown on every level requires you to do all kinds of interesting challenges that the base levels often don't require. In fact, some of the best jokes are hidden behind the crown levels. That said, when the game was already overstaying its welcome, having to play each level 3 times didn't do it any favors.

+ Fun, goofy, and funnier than a golf game should be
+ Great gags and spoofs on other games
+ Fun gameplay

- Overstays its welcome
- Gimmicks get old fast

An incredibly fun hero shooter at launch that ultimately failed to have the staying power for me that I wanted it to. I played a ton at launch and checked back in occasionally, but after a while it grew stale.