May have been good a decade ago but it's really not anything worth playing now.

Playing this game in 2022 after games like Diablo 3 does it no favors. It is an extremely rough ARPG. The combat is dull and slow, the enemies don't stand out, the UI is ugly. The list goes on. After Diablo Immortal disappointed, i realized I've been missing a good ARPG ever singe finishing D3 years ago. And boy this ain't it.

+ You can have a pet alpaca

- UI rough and UX ain't great on console
- Dull combat
- Enemies don't stand out

Hands-down the best story in any video game. Very few games have made me emotional, and Red Dead 2 made me cry. One of the best open worlds in all of video games. It's a world that feels genuinely alive. I wanted to disappear into this world and there were some times that I did. There was a full one-week period in real life where I just lived in the wilderness and hunted. It was glorious.

The place this game galls apart for me is actually controlling the game. Red Dead 2 plays like a game from 20 years ago. I think the game controls like absolute shit. There is a noticeable, measurable latency when doing pretty simple tasks like jumping on a horse. The aiming feels terrible. And its use of context-sensitive button resulted in me accidentally stealing items or shooting people more times than I could count. Between the context buttons,, the horrible controls, and NPCs inexplicably walking in front of your horse in town, I committed a heinous amount of accidental crimes in this game - murder by gun, murder by horse trampling, assault, theft... you name it. This all wouldn't be terrible if any minor crime didn't result in you becoming wanted in a rather large portion of the map that could then up getting in the way of doing quests.

I loved the story, the characters, and this world so damn much; I just wish actually playing this video game was more fun and not so tedious.

Ark is the least user-friendly video game I have ever played in my entire life. This game is not just unintuitive, it is aggressively anti-user experience.

Once you've parsed the terrible menus and fumbled your way into an online game, be prepared for the most opaque gaming experience of your life. Not only is nothing explained to the player, but nothing is even remotely intuitive. Anything you think you might know how to do from years of playing video games, you're wrong. Nothing works how you would expect it to.

Straight-up, Ark is a bad video games and I'm baffled that people choose to play this. I guess it's because it has dinosaurs but even taming a dinosaur (which I had to look up online to figure out) wasn't that satisfying. The time it took to successfully tame a dinosaur was about 5x longer than the amount of time I spent enjoying having a pet dinosaur.

Only reason this game gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because my friends and I had a fun time goofing around for a couple sessions. It's a poorly-made, unintuitive mess of a video game. Do not play Ark.

Didn't love the combat as much as I expected to. Felt too easy to get backed into a corner. But the game was pretty cool and looked stunning. Had some neat puzzles in it as well

It's TRON tennis. Not much more to do than play a couple rounds and go "oh neat" and then move on,

A great but finnicky couch co-op puzzle game with some inconsistent puzzle quality.

Some puzzles are real thinkers that make you put your minds together and figure out how to work your way through it.
Some require you to move in slow motion with absolute precision through the entire level or else a laser will move just the wrong way and kill you.
Those levels feel less like puzzles and more like tests of patience and are often made more difficult by the finicky nature of the movement.

A cube-based puzzler is good in theory but more often than not you just end up getting your cube’s edges stuck on the environment and get flung into space or fall off the map.

One of my favorite local multiplayer experiences in recent memory. This game simultaneously has the power to bring you closer to your friends when you crush a level together, or tear you apart when you fail. A real test of your relationships.

Fun game we used to scratch our Diablo itch but pales in comparison to the game it attempts to emulate.
Still, my wife and I had some fun playing through this together despite the shallow systems at play.

A fun super hero movie. Had a good time with it but not enough of to play more after beating it.

I fall squarely in the "I don't like the ending" camp but it's still a great game even if I don't like zombie stuff.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 8 years ago:

Mainly got this because it had a 3D mode and we had a 3D TV. It was neat but the floaty platforming turned me off real quick.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 9 years ago:

Always love a game that invents an entirely new kind of game by combining two seemingly unrelated genres. Rhythm game + roguelike is not a combo I would expect to work but the results is rad. I only wish the difficult were a little less punishing. The game is hard af and the "easy mode" character isn't nearly as satisfying.

Battlezone sells itself as a modern VR version of the game Space Paranoids from TRON (1982) which was enough to get me to buy it. It nails the visuals, but sadly the game itself is not very good.

Nice update with some quality of life improvements and enough new things to keep me checking in every day for a couple weeks. Impressed with the continued support for the game.

Probably the best single-player FPS campaign I've ever played. Not only is the story decent, but the level variety and mechanics are incredibly fun. Sadly it doesn't reach that point until about the mid-way point in the campaign. Everything before that feels pretty slow and generic.