The game was alright. I would rather just play Galaga but it was a fun little time waster.

Very fun if you are playing the game with a group of friends. The game just sucks with randoms though.

I used to really enjoy this game, I would grind for characters and it was a bit of fun. Definitely not the best Sonic game ever but it's alright I guess, just don't expect anything too crazy.

I kean I had a little fun with this and I like being able to switch characters mid run but at the end of the day it's just Sonic Dash but with less characters.

Unironically better than Sonic Forces. It's definitely the best of the Sonic Dash games and it has quite a lot of characters to get, although actually getting them is a grind.

I love the fact that a glitch was turned into a whole game. Definitely one of my favorite Pac-Man games. I love all the abilities and different themes you can use to make the game look different. This game is a fun time and is easily one of my favorite endless runners.

It's just an idle game. It does what it sets out to do I guess but other idle games just did it way better in my opinion.

The game is solid enough and I enjoy the artstyle, although the gameplay never captivated me so I didn't spend too terribly long with the game

Easily my favorite endless runner style game. This game exudes charm and is a fun and arcade title. I used to spend hours trying to grind coins to get different jetpacks I wanted and I enjoyed every second of it

A pretty fun and arcadey title. It's enjoyable enough and definitely one of the better mobile games out there.

It's pretty basic in terms of combat, and the game is grindy af but it's enjoyable enough. Nothing great but it isn't terrible either.

It's just and idle game at the end of the day but this game.has some charm to it. Idk where I got all this money from to give to a virtual beggar, and it is kinda funny to see people still give him money even after he now has a mansion

I mean it's alright, it kind of just a waiting simulator half the time. I can see why people would like it but I could never get into it much, although I did play it for a while.

Honestly a pretty fun game, I enjoyed this more than I enjoyed Clash of Clans.