It's Tetris. What else should I say about it?

It's a pretty fun game. My only gripes with the game is that there is no sprinting and the AI is ass. Do you know how many times I was killed by nybown teammates grenades? Anyways it's a fun time but Battlefront 2 is just better.

It's alright, I had some fun with it as a kid, but it got old pretty fast. I also never liked playing the campaign, I only likes doing random battles.

It's a fun idea to get badges from this game that you can use to decorate your screen, as a whole It's nothing too special but it's neat.

I spent quite a bit of time on this game, although after a while it does get a bit repetitive as ultimately you will just be doing the same few things over and over again.

It's an alright minigame collection. The story mode was fun to play through and there is a lot of content here. This games biggest shortcomings for me though is that, while there are more events than any other Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, they are all way too simplified and there are no dream events. It also doesn't help that you only have 4 characters to pick from on any given event.

Not the best Mario Party game, but it's easily the best handheld entry. It has a cool theme and the minigames are pretty good. It's also the only handheld entry in the series that actually plays just like a regular Mario Party would (not including Switch entries)

Mid. The game basically just boils down to race to the finish in terms of the party mode. The minigame selection isn't too bad though, and Bowsers Tower was pretty fun. I like the setting of the game as well. This is also the only Mario game I know of where Bowser actually wins at the end.

It's a fine game. This games main problem is that it's bland, but the game controls well and the levels are pretty well designed despite the game just feeling like New Super Mario Bros. Wii but on the 3DS. This game is easily the worst of the New Super Mario Bros games

The game that started one of my personal favorite game series of all time. This game is probably my least favorite smash but that is not to say this game is bad at all. This game is still a ball of fun to this day. My only issue with the game is that there isn't a lot of content, but this game is easily one of the best games the N64 had to offer

A huge step up from its predecessor. The game has more content and feels more fluid than Smash 64. One of the highlights of the Gamecube.

One of my favorite games on the Wii. This was my first Smash Bros. game, and boy did I pour tons of hours into this game. This game is chock full of content. Subspace Emissary is a highlight of this game and I wish something like it would return one day, I love seeing all the characters interact with one another. Despite loving this game I do have a hard time returning to it as it just feels so slow, and the tripping is annoying of course.

A very fun game with one of my favorite iterations of Classic mode. Smash Run was also a fun and unique mode.I don't even know how many hours I have poured into this game, but it a lot.

Another great entry into the Smash Bros series. The game has a great character roster and good stage selection and has a lot of content. Smash Tour sucks though, Smash Ruj on 3DS was way better.