Really fun remake. One of my personal favorite Pokémon games, honestly ny only complaints with the game is the lack of difficulty and no battle Frontier. I really enjoy traveling around Hoenn and Soar was a fun feature I want to return. The DexNav was also a really useful tool that I also wish would return.

A very disappointing remake. This game has no charm and is painfully easy to the point of being boring aside from a couple battles. I appreciate what they tried to do with the artsyle, but it doesn't look good and Links Awakening remake did the chili artstyle leagues better than BDSP. I also hate that they didn't include any of the content from Platinum aside from the outfit you can put on. I know this to a remake of Platinuk but Platinum is literally just an enhanced version of DP so why would you not include content from Platinum? The underground was also butchered. Pikemon Hideaways are a cool feature, but that doesn't make up for what was lost. The only decorations you can get in BDSP are statues, which is lame af. There are also no flags or traps anymore which means no playing capture the flag with your friends. Y
You are better off just playing Platinum.

I spent way more time screwing around on the title screen than I ever did in the actual levels as a kid. I had a lot of fun with the game though, I created monsters that fought each other and I nuked the world several times. It's a fun game to screw around with for a bit.

The levels later on get way too long amd they are way too uninteresting. The game starts pretty strong though.

This is my favorite N64 game. This game is just a good time to turn on and play, and having multiple paths gives the game great replayability. I highly recommend playing this game.

I mean it's alright. It's not something I really want to play too much of though. Cornelia music slaps though.

A great 3DS remake of my favorite N64 game. The game plays and looks great.

A nice arcadey beat em up. I had a good time with this game, although unfortunately I was not able to play the game with friends, this game was made for couch co-op and I bet it's a real good time.

A fun little beat em up. This game really shines when playing ot with friends at an arcade.

This is the game that got me into Zelda. I loved playing this game. The dungeons are well designed and the world feels much larger than it actually is because of how compact everything is. My only issue with this game is that you have to swap items a lot due to the lack of buttons available on the Game Boy, but it couldn't be helped.

It's definitely Centipede, I have no idea what else to say tbh.

Peak arcade game. I adore this game. The risk and reward system of doubling up your ship is a super fun mechanic and the game is just a blast to pplay, even today. Easily my favorite arcade game.

Pac-Man is a very fun game. It's very simple but it works.