If you like fog, then you will like this game. This game is not terrible, but you are better off playing another Dynasty Warriors game.

Many people do not like this addition to Persona 3, and I can understand why. If you mainly like Persona for the social sim aspects of the game, you will not enjoy The Answer. If you did not like Tartarus, you will also not like The Answer. I liked Tartarus personally, and I thought not having a compendium was fun as it made me think hard about all my fusions. The Answer has a good level of challenge and I do like the story, but if you are not a big fan of the dungeon crawling in P3, I would just reccommend you watch all the cutscenes and dialogue on Youtube or something as you will absolutely hate playing through the 30ish hours of content in The Answer, most of which is dungeon crawling and boss fights. I think The Answer is a good addition to FES and I liked seeing more of the P3 cast.

I am not usually a fan of online competitive shooters, but I enjoy this game quite a bit. I think all the different game modes are fun to play and the destructible environments are great. I recommend giving The Finals a shot.

This game really makes you feel like an Urban Champion.

I like this game but I do not love it. I enjoyed the story and the characters, and the art style is unique. I especially enjoy all the different art styles in episode 5. I do not think the "final boss" needed to have a checkpoint after every phase when its as easy and short as it is. The game is interesting and definitely worth a playthrough, but I probably won't go back and try to uncover all the secret stuff I did not get on my initial playthrough. I can see why many do love this game, and I do like it, but I do not love it like some others do.

Note: The Answer will be reviewed separately and is not part of this review of FES

It has been a while since I finished a game and wanted to jump back into it and play it some more immediately after finishing the game. The only things keeping me from doing so right now are playing The Answer and the fact Reload releases soon at the time of typing this. I love the story, characters, soundtrack, and gameplay of this game. This game may just have one of the strongest cast I have seen in a game. The combat is fun and is satisfying when you are able to knock down all the enemies in order to pull off an all out attack. I also like fusing Personas in order to get other Personas. I have spent hours in the Velvet Room just messing with Persona fusions. I think this is easily one of my favorite games now.

This game is not perfect, as I do have a couple complaints about it. I do not like that when one move on a Persona becomes another move, it ask you if you want to let it happen, but it will not tell you the move it will become. I had an instance early in the game where zio (an electric attack), turned into assault dive (which is not an electric attack). I figured the move would become zionga (a more powerful zio), but I was wrong. The other issue I have is that being forced to date girls after getting over a certain social link rank with them is just stupid, as you can't hang out with other girls and get their social links, as they will get jealous and your social links will reverse. These issues are pretty minor to me though and did not affect me too much, and the game more than makes up for these shortcomings.

TLDR: This game is fucking goated and I can not wait to play through the entire game again when Reload drops. This game is easily one of my favorite games now

Honestly one of my favorite versions of Pac-Man. It is very satisfying to line up a huge line of ghost just to chomp em all down once you get the power pellet.

This game was a joy to play from start to finish. I love the art style that the remake has, and I think it has a lot of charm. Links Awakening DX on the Gameboy Color was actually the game that got me into Zelda, although I never finished it when I was younger, but I have now fixed that mistake with the remake on the Switch.

The island of Koholint is a fun place to traverse and explore. While small in size, the map is densely packed so it feels larger than it actually is. The residents of Koholint are fun to interact with, it feels like a small and tight-knit community on the island. The dungeons were all well designed and fun to go through. Every time I got on this game I would spend way more time than I intended to playing it, as every single time I would go to get off I would just have "one more thing" I wanted to do. The final boss was fun, although it was not very difficult, but neither are any of the bosses in this game really, but they are still fun to fight as they are more about figuring out how to actually damage them rather than just pure combat. The ending of this game is just beautiful as well, I highly recommend playing this game.

My only real issue I have with this game is the frame stuttering that occurs every now and then. It is not too bad but it is a bit annoying. The dungeon maker thing is also not a feature I messed with much, as I just did not want to mess with it, as it is way less cool than it sounds since you have to use rooms from the actual dungeons and string them together in a way that the doors all connect. It is less of a dungeon maker and more of a dungeon masher. Great game overall though.

Its fine, I guess. I only bought the game because it was dirt cheap on a sale. It is not a terrible game or anything, but there are just so many other games I would rather be playing than this one.

A great game. This was the first game I got for the Switch and I loved just about every second of it. The worlds are all fun to run through and they all look nice visually. The capture mechanic was creative and fun to use and I think there were many creative uses of the feature throughout the game. The soundtrack for this game is also really good.

A really solid game. Unova is a well designed region and the routes all have a lot of explorable areas on them. The gyms are also really good, the gym that stands out the most to me is the ice type gym where you are sliding around on ice and getting launched out of cannons. The Pokémon League in this game is probably my favorite, as the Elite 4 are all decently challenging and fun to fight, but the real star of the show is the battle with N. Getting your legendary at the very end and going toe to toe with a person with the opposite legendary. A battle between truth and ideals. The story isn't anything amazing but it's serviceable. Definitely one of the better stories in Pokémon, although that isn't saying too much as Pokémon isn't really a series focused on storytelling. I like the idea of the antagonist N wanting to free Pokémon from people, and I like that he actually believes in their teams cause as many members of Team Plasma just use their cause as an excuse to do what they want. I think N is probably the best character in the game. The post game is also one if my favorites in the whole series. There is a lot of Unova to explore once the credits roll, as the entire right side if Unova is just inacessabile in the main game. There is also a lot to do in those areas such as being a waiter or exploring a some underwater ruins for items. You can also find the 6 remaining sages of Tean Plasma and get more information on N and Ghetsis

What really dragged down the experience for me though was the part between the 8th gym and the Elite 4. By the time I battled my way through Victory Road my Pokémon were about level 40ish, but the Elite 4 uses Level 50 ish Pokémon so I lost pretty bad. The grinding to get my Pokémon up to par was so boring that it took me months to do. Grinding wild Pokémon has never been fun so I would get on do a few battles, and then get off. I like the game a lot overall but this one section did dampen my experience.

This game is hot garbage. Play at your own risk

Really solid game. I do not think the story is as good as the 2018 game, but it's still really good. In terms if gameplay I think this game is better than 2018 or Miles Morales. The combat is more fun and the symbiote suit is easily the best when it comes to combat, it is just so fun to use. The MJ stealth sections are here, but they are much better in this game. I actually had fun with the MJ sections wheras in 2018 they were just eh. Traversal is also more fast and fun than the previous games as you can still swing like you could previously, but the web wings really enhance the experience. I never used the fast travel feature once throughout my playthrough. Overall this game is a blast and I think I like it more than the other 2 although that could be recency bias. The new Miles suit sucks ass though ngl.

Probably one of the best 2D platformers I have ever played and is easily one of my favorite Mario games now. This game is a breath of fresh air after having nothing but New Super Mario Bros for a while in terms of 2D Mario (I like New Super Mario Bros but it does get old after a while). This game has interesting and unique level design, and the Wonder flowers just make for even more creativity in levels. In one level you will be walking on walls and the next you will be seeing pirahna plants sing, the game is nuts. The game just feels nice to play, running and jumping has a satisfying feel to it. The badges are also pretty fun, although some make the game way too easy but they are optional. This game is just great, I do not have much else to say. You may be wondering why I am not giving this game a 10/10, well that is because the boss variety is actual ass. The bosses themselves are good but all of the boss fights except for the final boss (Which is great btw), I just wish there were more varied bosses, I feel like the possibilities were endless with the Wonder flower. In conclusion the game is really good.