237 Reviews liked by The_X_Button

Ingenious level design is employed by Rockstar to visually blend in the Brazilian thugs with the brown-colored levels and the white thugs with the snow levels.

The greatest PC game of all time? Fuck no.

Half Life 2 is a pretty impressive tech demo but besides that a lot of it feels like a downgrade from 1. The biggest offender is just how atrocious 2s pacing is in comparison to the original, with so much control being taken away in order to show a story (that imo doesn't really do much) or show some neat Source engine tech. While I wouldn't call 1 perfect (shit like On A Rail is pretty boring) it didnt get THAT bad. Half Life 2 has some truly abhorrent sections like both vehicle sections and ESPECIALLY Nova Prospekt which make going through 2 a slog. Its a shame because I do feel that HL2s gameplay is pretty fun, with a solid arsenal (albeit a bit too big) and the atmosphere fucking rocks throughout. I can only hope the Episodes salvage HL2 for me because otherwise its one of the most overrated games I've ever played.


coming off of wild arms 1 it was interesting to see what they changed and what worked and what didn't

i had a lot of fun playing and the game has a lot of pretty high highs but those lows really kicked my ass and made me wanna stop playing

to name a few: a lot of the dungeons are just complete hell, the battle system is still really simple and easy to a detriment, the translation is written really dry and boring, the story pacing is kinda bad, the puzzles can be infuriating..

still, i had a fun time playin thru it. nothing wrong with some classic ps1 jrpg slop. also i did a 100% run and filling up the monster album was complete torture, i would not recommend doing that at all

Instead of leaving a stupidly long review I'll just say that if you think this is special or the best experience in gaming I am sorry for you, there's a reason why the game evolved past all of what it is showcased in here.

It's been lovingly remastered and rebuilt in an entirely new engine. The visuals are gorgeous and it keeps all the extra content (even finishing some for TR3 that never came out).

Modern controls are ass tho. Back or slide flipping are limited to the guns being out and it just doesn't work. The free camera also breaks endlessly to the point where it's impossible to see.

I'd also say that the remastered visuals make some pickups almost impossible to see.

Other than that, pretty damn good.

An amazingly fun platformer with incredible movement tech. The visuals are super charming and the music is really damn good. The bosses are....very buggy and not that great and there's a good few platforming bugs too. But a few patches could probably fix those up easily. It can be a bit easy to overshoot your jumps due to the way the game controls but once you get movement down it becomes a real joy to power through levels with it. The levels differentiate themselves enough but the layouts can still look very similar.

Overall a great experience with some small letdowns, but I honestly want to see more of this.

Why the fuck is 50% of this game set on a fucking shipwreck? Why is there so much combat? The combat is ass. Later in the game they start putting like 6 dudes with auto aim into rooms or just have Snow Leopards spawn around corners in pairs. The controls are still jank as fuck too. The Level design is thankfully still really good. I do not get why they make you explore things that aren't tombs for half of this. TR1 had this great balance of exploration and combat, everything felt well laid out. TR2 has you doing jank ass vehicle sections while exploring mostly buildings while 45 guys show up to shoot at you. I do not get it at all.

This season was ass. The Jungle was gigantic and so samey all the way through. The BP isn't very interesting and the Boomerang is awful.

This season is alright. It started off pretty buggy but it's got some cool shit. The battle pass is alright with some fun characters. My main gripe with the map is almost every POI is a mansion or the exact same buildings everywhere else on the map. It's probably the most boring set of POI's we've ever had. The fact they nerfed sprint so hard and the storm moved at insane speeds was the worst, they kinda fixed that though. The train is a really fucking cool addition though and the medallions are a fun idea. I still am baffled at the state it was left in over the holidays though.

This is the worst season ngl. Absolute dogshit map with barely anything on it. Visually ugly as shit. One of the weakest battle passes in the entire series. Finished all off by a giant event that thousands of people couldn't get into that they had to repeat 3 times. This sucked.

It was alright. I liked the mini heists in each era and the new POI's were kinda cool. The battle pass was...kinda the worst one we've had in ages.

The katana is cool as fuck and Highwire is a neat skin. Mega City kinda blows? It's not really that big and most of the buildings are two floors...the bottom and the top. I wish it was more fleshed out.

The new map was pretty good and the hammer was so much fun. However there wasn't a lot to this season outside of that. Still okay though.

The chrome was kinda cool but it made the map really ugly. The Herald was an okay boss.
Meow Skulls on the battle pass saved it for me.