Log Status






Time Played

18h 37m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 24, 2022

First played

December 23, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Sam Barlow's Immortality doesn't fully gel with me from a story or game mechanic perspective but overall, this FMV game is a pretty good and interesting experience.

Immortality has you sift through the three films of former actress Marissa Marcel. These movies never saw the light of day and you will sift through these clips to figure out just what happened to Marissa and why these movies never came out.

You'll jump in between these clips by clicking faces/things in these things which will then take you to another scene that has that person/object in common. For instance, clicking on a microphone in one scene will direct you to another scene in one of the films that features a microphone. You can then play that clip where it starts or rewind/fast forward to the start finish. The game let's you go about it however you want.

Overall, this method of learning and exploring works, though it makes for the info you gain a bit random and can definitely lead to a mixed experience depending on how much sifting you're doing before getting any worthwhile info.

This method of exploring though near the end, when you are trying to locate the last remaining scenes or info can lead to constantly clicking and clicking and clicking since the jumping to random scenes is random. Click on a knife in the same scene and each time, it'll take you to a random other scene with a knife/blade/etc, so if you are looking for a specific thing, it's not a guarantee that you will get there.

The overall menus and layout of the game itself is a bit clunky as well so if you are a bit of an achievement hunter or looking to complete the whole thing, it can get a little annoying from that aspect. There are secrets amongst the clips as well and even where those are is a bit random so overall, the ease of the experience as you progress, does get increasingly tedious.

To add to that increased tedious nature, the secrets amongst the clips that you can discover aren't unlocked with much ease. Sometimes you can find stuff by rewinding through the clips to uncover other things but sometimes getting those secrets to play out takes some finagling. At times, these play out with ease, other times you have to keep going back and forth to get it to start playing out.

Outside of that and a few crashes here and there though, I don't have a ton of issues with this game. The story is pretty interesting, even if it doesn't completely connect and the way the story unfolds is done in a satisfying way, though results may vary on that aspect as well. It's worth giving a shot at the very least.