The subway tunnel asset is so insanely spot on in terms of look, sound design, and vibe and I have been through many Tokyo subway tunnels in my days, but for the life of me I had an incredibly hard time enjoying this.
Spoilers I guess below if you want to go into it blind.
I beat it and found all the anomalies but I guess my personality just doesn't get a lot of enjoyment out of spot the difference puzzles. I respect how well some things were hidden but only a handful of the anomalies were unsettling. Maybe it's my fault for wanting to be scared coming into it. Frustration overtook dread for me in this one.

Memento mori etc etc very lived in and real yet super surreal feeling house but HOW THE HELL DID THIS GUY TURN HIS HOUSE INTO A BOAT AND NAVIGATE ALL THE WAY FROM FREAKING NORWAY TO WASHINGTON STATE IN 1937??????

My initial thoughts on this game were mostly negative and I think it's because I didn't quite get the message but the more I think about it this might be one of the most lonely feeling games I've ever played.

Finding the room with Tajiri was surreal in a way that's hard to describe, but mostly I felt... disappointed? Like returning to the joy that the original pokemon games gave me as a kid was infinitely far away and unreachable. Tajiri doesn't have time for you. Just take another game and get the hell out of here. You're not meant to be a part of this. You're meant to buy our stuff without question for the rest of eternity. Now leave.

Honestly the only real difference between this blatant sokoban clone and those shovelware breakout clones where you try to reveal some picture of a girl is that the art here is actually decent.

Me and the boys up at 2 am looking for BEANS

Yeah this game is based... as in it's based on a really convoluted and self absorbed premise that a game where nothing actually happens and an annoying narrator berates you the entire time could ever be fun

There are no bathrooms anywhere but occasionally you'll find some glass bottles in a crate. 10/10 accurate Amazon warehouse simulator.

I mean the gameplay itself wasn't terrible but this will forever be remembered as the game that overdid pay to win so hard that EA was cemented as a meme for it.

I used this to visit the Binley Mega Chippy and pretend to order the Morbius meal. Send help.

The phenomenon surrounding this when it first came out was pretty neat and I'm all for a game that helps people to be fit, but as a game it's just way too predatory and money hungry to be actually fun

The first (I think) and most compelling use of gps/location in gaming if not a little bit hard to get into at first

Why did Google go so hard for this though?

The castle defense game is legit pretty fun but the experience as a whole just feels really novelty and to me further cements that VR is probably still a long ways away from being anything other than a mostly novelty experience.

Hardly anything happens but the vibe is sick and messing around with a lightsaber in VR is fun