best racing game i have ever played

Recommended to me by a friend after playing SMTV. Loving the game so far, the sheer number of demons and banger songs in this game are incredible.

Fantastic gameplay, mediocre story and human characters but the demons are each so charming in their own unique way that I can forgive the humans for being boring.

This was my intro to SMT after playing P5 and P5R, and I highly recommend giving this game a go if you have played and enjoy any persona title.

You get what you pay for I guess?

I'm like halfway through (Just finished chapter 3) this at the time of writing this, will update once finished.

I like the characters a lot better in this one, they aren't as tropey as some of the ones in previous titles (the monokubs are annoying asf though) and the trials are (mostly) a bit more interesting than past ones.

Bought this game and the pack shit with the sonic minifig, got bored and played with the sonic minifigure instead of the game

A tad on the expensive side, but still great fun with a great aesthetic

Fun game, it's a damn shame the graphics are pretty abysmal

I'm honestly not even sure if this is actually the Fifa game I had on Xbox One back when I was a kid because it was such a forgettable and boring experience that the only thing i really remember about it was that the Coaches/Manager had funny angry animations that made me and my mates chuckle a few times