im sure this is a wonderful game and i just know i d love it if i could play properly, but i cant. i have to sit completely still and not smile or move my head in any way, or it counts as a blink- regardless of how much i tweak the sensitivity of the blinks. doesnt help that i wear glasses so i need to sit in a specific position to have my real blinks count.

AND IT SUCKS IM SO SAD. cuz the first couple minutes already made me smile so much and i wanted to experience this as intended. sigh :(

it was fuckin bad man. i cant even say 'u can try it for the sex scenes tho' cuz yh the art is pretty damn good but not even the scenes are worth ur time. and the plot is bullshit too. i ve played it ages ago i dont eve remember the specifis but i remember bein soo pissed at it lmao

maybe the story is more.. ok? in the original chinese? im rly tryna give it the benefit of the doubt here but i didnt like it sigh.

Sooo corny, but with a pretty cool (albeit not hella original) premise. What it lacks in originality it makes up in ~vibes~. Also its just super cool to read a vn with russian characters set in a russian city.

Also despite what the artstyle might make u think, the h scenes are actually really well drawn.

Idk where to put this but holy shittt sasha (the protag) is so annoyinggg specifically with his attitude towards his best friends feelings for him. Genuinely infuriating how he acts but it works out in the end ig :P

u cant fix her but she can make you worse

ive been playin since the en server launched... im stuck hellp me

why have you done this to us...

anyway this is one of those games i could make a 5 hour video essay on pfft

the art is unfairly good bro i wanna eat it

i will do anythin for this man

i rly didnt like it :( felt weak af

jesus i spent too much time in this game. kinda insane that its still here, unchanged.

i like booting up the game once in a while to try to kill every student in the school without gettin caught.
arguably its a terriblke game. but for a sandbox minigame style thing to waste 20 mins of ur life on its pretty aight.

it was a p unique experience for me. the voice over is not quite as eerie as the game needs, but its not bad either.

i thought the stat management would be annoying but i actually kinda liked it