GOAT and my all time favourite, the reason I bought an Xbox 360. Still playing to this day through the MCC on PC, vidmaster achievements all these years later. If you'd told me I'd still be playing customs nearly 15 years after release I wouldn't have questioned you, the options are endless and fantastic.

Yes, it's Eurojank. BUT the world, characters, story and gameplay/builds (once you pass that point, especially on death march, where all your perks work together amazingly) make up for what it lacks in polish and "feel good combat" compared to something that flows better e.g. Arkham. 100% on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, currently playing on Steam.

Why I bought a Switch. Finished the main story, now going through shrines and the hundreds of Koroks. Brilliant and redefining, not for everyone but a fantastic addition to the Zelda lineup and I'm excited to see what a sequel has to offer!

Hard to choose between this and Part II for my top 5. Love the sequel for different reasons, this game isn't for everyone with an engaging story and well written characters that outshine the clunky and sometimes frustrating game mecahnics. Beautifully told and acted by the Baker and Johnson, Naughty Dog have become a favourite to watch after Crash, Jak, Uncharted and this.

They remasered this on the 3DS too! Hours spent combing every part of the map on the Game Boy Advance, still have it fully functioning to this day. There was no doubt a Pokemon game would make my top 5 and it goes to this one for being my first.

Bought this four times, thoroughly enjoyed it four times.