53 reviews liked by Tonifury555

It’s important that you treat Pentiment with the same scrutiny and scepticism that you (hopefully) do with any other historical source. Most media, not just videogames, are, politely put, atrocious at dealing in good faith with the settings and themes that Pentiment tackles, to the point where it’s probably reasonable to call it one of the most authentic games ever made in this regard. The flip side of this is that it makes the things Pentiment gets wrong feel more conspicuous than they would be otherwise.

If that last part has your guard up, you can safely lower it, because Pentiment’s small handful of inaccuracies are pretty minor in that they don't affect the plot overmuch. I won’t say what they are specifically, because this is the type of game where any and all details ought to be discovered yourself, but among other things, they include at least two cultural events which are unambiguously Christian being misattributed to Alpine paganism of some description, as well as one figure who was (to my knowledge) neither pre-Christian nor worshipped as a goddess being described as a pre-Christian goddess.

There are a couple of reasons why these don’t overly strain Pentiment’s believability and for which it deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt. For starters, relative to the vast majority of media set during the early modern period and (in this case, just after the) Middle Ages, Pentiment’s immensely tactful to the point where I'm (almost but not quite) inclined to think these kinds of mistakes were intentionally included, on the part of its characters rather than its writers; that it avoids the common error of misattributing the origins of Christian saints to pagan figures further suggests this. More broadly, it’s unreasonable to expect anything to be perfect in terms of accuracy and – on exceedingly rare occasions, in exceptionally talented hands – inaccuracies can be advantageous. Excalibur’s a more visually distinctive and symbolic film for featuring armour which is about 1000 years too advanced for the 5th/6th century AD. Shadow of Rome’s a more memorable game for making you fight a ~15ft tall Germanic barbarian whose weapon of choice is a marble pillar. Likewise, in a meta sort of way, Pentiment’s central idea of historiographical truth being difficult to pinpoint is arguably strengthened by its own shortcomings in this respect. Ideally, this’ll encourage players to be more wary of any historically-themed media they engage with, including Pentiment itself.

Any such grievances are further obscured by the mostly impressive weight Pentiment lends to your decisions. I had the fortune of playing through Pentiment concurrently with my brother, and when we’d walk in on each other playing it, we’d do mutual double takes as one of us was in the middle of story events that the other didn’t even consider would be possible. Speech checks being affected by past dialogue choices encourages you to constantly, properly pay attention to and think about what you’re saying in a way I personally haven’t seen done since the isometric Fallouts or Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Although its time limits (while appreciated) aren’t implemented as organically as Fallout 1’s, an advantage Pentiment has over even those titans is that it also autosaves after every single action you take, lending everything a degree of permanence that few other RPGs can offer. If you were feeling particularly cheeky, you could go as far as to say that Pentiment can be counted alongside the campaign of Black Ops 2 in the pantheon of games which actually are what everyone pretends New Vegas is.

I call it only mostly impressive because Pentiment’s key weakness is the linearity of its third and final act, which even if you’re being charitable can only really be called overbearing. Not to bang on the choices-don’t-matter drum too hard, because nobody can ever seem to agree what choices mattering in a game really looks like, but you’re much more likely to wish you were able to say or do something other than the options you’re given in the last act than in the preceding two. Potential twists and turns you might hope to direct this chapter’s plot towards are often snuffed out by blurted out variations of “actually, I was only pretending to want to do that” that you rarely have any control over. This isn’t to suggest that Pentiment ends on a sour note – the ending itself’s quite lovely – but from a decision making standpoint, the whole last stretch’s noticeably more limiting.

However close it comes, this is never enough to distract from Pentiment’s visual splendour. Jan van Eyck paintings and The Tragedy of Man are the only other media I can think of which incorporate so many different historical art styles into one cohesive package and so skilfully. Sebhat being drawn in the style of Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox art’s a particularly inspired touch, but in general it’s no wonder that the art director and animators are the first names to pop up on the opening credits, because it’s like a playable manuscript. Rarely do you come across a game where you can legitimately say that the visuals are a selling point in and of themselves.

There should be more games like Pentiment. It represents two things we need more of – big developers putting out more niche, experimental titles, and historical media which isn’t riddled with self-congratulatory 21st century arrogance that spits on the memory of everyone who happened to be born before an arbitrary point in time, in which characters actually believe what they say and aren’t one-dimensional caricatures of the past. Be thankful it exists, whatever its issues.

i blame this game for my deep need to be pegged by girls wearing chokers


best star wars media to exist

Before the dark times. Before Disney.

This game is about the daily hardships of what being an empath is like fr fr

I wish i could fuck that guy's ass

I don't trust anybody who can say with a straight face that Kotor 1 is better than this in any way that matters.

It may be unfinished, and definitely has some technical hiccups, leaving what can understandably be a underwhelming experience. But what this game offers, in comparison to Kotor 1, is that it actually has ambition and does genuinely compelling things.

Also it has combat that doesn't suck hard. And companions who I genuinely don't remember their names or characters at all, because they're all boring and forgettable. The few that do return in this game are actually handled far more interesting and engaging.

It has some of the best opening introductory levels ever. Where you wake up and have to piece together the mystery of why you're there, what happened, and how it even relates to the events in the previous game in ways Bioware clearly never intended at all.

Also, Nar Shaddaa is one of the coolest levels/worlds in any video game, just in terms of the amount of things going on and that unravels. Granted, it does overstay it's welcome a bit near the end where you have to control a new party member and single-handedly clear out an entire map worth of enemies.

The game does such a compelling and fantastic job of making a Star Wars experience feel so gritty, dark, and genuinely depressing. When you do Dark Side stuff, you really do feel the weight and consequences behind it, unlike the first game. There's no big galactic war to partake in and fight, that part's already passed. Now all that's left is the carnage and wreckage brought upon the galaxy because of that said war, and how people try to survive a galaxy at it's most crucial, weakest breaking point. To everybody else, who isn't a Sith or Jedi, there really isn't a difference between the two anymore. Just a group of religious people in power who brought so much turmoil and destruction for everybody else caught in the crossfire.

The real "villain" of this game, and by extension Star Wars as a whole, is the Force.

It's so genius and thematically poignant.

I'm going to be one of the few people alive and say the game is better played without the restoration mod. Considering that mod, while it does add some bits that I prefer being kept in the final game, overall just restores way too much that's very clearly still unfinished and not polished. Or better yet, was cut out because it really didn't fit with the tone, pacing, and whatever the game was trying to go for.

Please ignore every review that recommends the Restored Content Mod. The restored content is garbage and only makes the game worse.

Messy and incomplete deconstruction of star wars that just ends up being star wars.