It's peak.
With more updates this game will make it into the history books

Peak gameplay, and honestly pretty good narrative all things considered. Job system is amazingly fun

Amazing game, but there are a lot of problems.
Act 1 has noticeably more content and love put into it compared to the other acts. This wouldn't normally bother me, but the sheer amount of party interaction and reactivity from the world seemingly completely dropping of the LATER the game goes on is strange.
The game is worth the price, but I would wait a little bit longer for more patches.

It's the best free to play game I've ever played.
It's peak, very well supported, and infinitely replayable.

Do not be tricked, this game is nothing like the first game.

The combat and gameplay loop of Salt and Sacrifice is the absolute worst parts of half baked souls clones and oddly enough monster hunter.
The enemies leave no room for retaliation and require dodging 5 times and hitting them once.
The gear upgrades, character progression, and crafting system are so boring and unrewarding it makes it unbearable.

I dropped it after getting to the second mini area after realizing it would just be more of the same. Skip this

Was pretty good narratively, but the gameplay is actually God awful. So poorly balanced and doesn't incentivize leveling since the episodes are so short. The final chapter has you fighting a final boss all together and if you aren't grinding your ass off, you can't win. So not for me

My final rank was "Top Breeder"

What did they mean by this?
Either way it's peak stalker horror

Super fun game and a worthy sequel to the original.
It dropped the cool horror elements, but the grand scale story it told was just as good.

If you're looking for a game to chill out and enjoy a thoroughly pleasant time, this is it. Good fun with nice strategy with tons of content. The characters are all interesting I miss them already, not to mention the music is the exact indie style I love.

Pretty good overall, but I never felt comfortable with the game or believed I really understood the mechanics. I feel like an idiot, but it turns out I was doing everything wrong and physically could not beat the final boss. If I could go back in time with the knowledge I had now I would have a much better time, but as of right now I'm done and will not be coming back.

Pretty slow start, but the mystery really picks up in the latter half of the game. The payoff is just amazing and the puzzles are satisfying.
I can see why this is a cult classic

Peak narrative
Peak Music
Peak Difficulty

One of the most unique and interesting rhythm games.
An art style that like nothing I've seen before.
And a track list that has so many hits from every genre it's insane. Play it

Solid game but the pacing was all over the place. First few chapters are amazing as is the narrative of the last 2, but the middle is a meandering boring mess. Most of the dialogue is overly verbose and needed to be trimmed down a lot and the enemies started becoming real health sponges, but overall I enjoyed the experience both as a story and game.