Very competently made as a CRPG mechanically and the narrative is very interesting. Sadly it falls behind in establishing many interesting characters. Other than the ones from the first game, there is very little to hook onto. The character interaction is is very lackluster and difficult to understand what triggers it as well. I beat the game with a profound sense of anti-climax despite the lofty implications.

Desensitize yourself to bloodshed.
You are a flesh automaton, piloted by neurotransmitters

The Kirby game without copy abilities

Would be so much better if it had a map. I got lost after 2 hours and quit

One of the very few classic JRPGs that hold up to the praise people shower on it. A solid and short JRPG with a great overall story, if a little meandering at times.
Not to mention one of the best scores in a SNES game

One of the most genuinely fun fighting games released.

I can't think of a game of this genre where almost every single character seemed fun to play. Ranked system is fun and quick to advance and the fact that it's FREE ensures a large player base for a long time to come.

Play this game

Solid chill game worth the money on sale. Some really annoying stuff like some fish having way too much health, dialogue going on way too long, and the real lack of progression toward the late game. The beginning parts were well above the quality I expected and got me to play to the very end.

Not nearly as bad as people say it is. It is pure potential completely botched in execution. The continued support of the game proves the devs cared a lot about it though so I can't bring myself to hate it.

Cool world and atmosphere, but I never really was a big fan of multiple protagonist games. It really takes away from the role playing and character building. Still an alright time if you are really into the world

Short and sweet. It's no Cave Story, but it's a fun little platforming shooter.

Simple yet deep mechanics with an addictive gameplay and reward loop. One of the greatest rogue likes around. Some balancing issues in the later difficulties requiring constant resetting to get a good start, but other than that it's amazing