Whenever I pick this game up, that's a wrap, multiple days are going into it.

meh. This game had so much potential but fell into a bunch of pitfalls

-locking you out of 75% of the game PERIOD
-a mediocre story
-putting everything into hoping the online would carry it. Online that doesn't exist anymore and probably killed the game anyway since it never released overseas.

Game looks beautiful, has a fun way of traversal, has a fun battle system and Liscia is such a gem but the rest of the game makes me sad at what could've been. Not bad but probably will be my least favourite Vanillaware title.

This is the most beautiful mediocre game I've ever played.
Also might be one of my favorites of all time, Vanillaware just does not MISS!

This is the best and most innovative fan game of all time. Sonic and Touhou fans can eat their hearts out because neither have an entire FPS Doom clone with sprites, weapons and powers done specifically to look like it came straight out of the game. This game is a masterpiece. I'm still getting filtered in the Mega Man 1 chapters though.

Love this game. Spent the most amount of hours on it back on Steam. Well before I got Yakuza 0.

saw the flashing lights and was like "That's enough Touhou HRtP forever."

This game's a bit of a meme for DonPachi fans but I quite liked it. Damn shame it never left arcades, I was expecting to absolutely hate it since it wasn't the same publisher but no.

Pretty slept on CAVE game I'd say. It's simple to learn, hard to master and fun all around. Really dig this game's artstyle more than most CAVE games too. Music's pretty good too. Too bad CAVE also made Ketsui, Daioujou, Ibara, ESPrade, and Guwange cause this is definitely making Top 6 CAVE games for me

This is peak fiction. The way that the AI is so competent that they catch everything and the way that a single field in the game is so absurdly long that even a long play takes at least 3 whole hours... It's beautiful.

ok but for real, I was way better off not playing this game and listening to the amazing music because goddamn did they lock in with this soundtrack. Wily's Field is a certified banger. I'll bump the soundtrack and never play this game again.

Yeah there's no sugarcoating it, this game isn't very good. You know how in Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star, or even Final Fantasy, there will be certain spots on the overworld where the enemies are stronger? Apply that to the entire game. Include the start of the game too and make it everywhere to make grinding an unfun nightmare, assuming you can at all. That's this game. It doesn't even have the art style or premise to back it like say The 7th Saga. It's also on Genesis, which means I have far better options like Crusade of Centy or Sword of Vermillion. I couldn't get past early game and immediately had enough. Can't say I'm mad this didn't make it overseas.