As a team of students, find a way to leave class earlier in this brief AGS game. The game is on a timer, requiring you to think fast.

(there are typos in the final credits...)

An AGS classic.
The plot is about 3 wrestlers: namely Brain, Simon and The Defender, who are trying to battle against the wrestling matches' organizer splitting their team apart.
The puzzles are relatively easy and the soundtrack is pretty decent.
The graphic style, albeit rudimentary at first glance, it kinda' appeals to me, it is very reminiscent of ms paint.
The voiceovers are definetly the worst part about this game, there is a subtle but annoying noise whenever the game is playing a voiceline both at the beginning and at the end of it (yes, for every - single - voiceline). On top of that, you can even sometimes hear the click of a mouse at the end for some of them for what i assume is the devs ending the recording for said voiceline.
Overall the game is fun and the characters are decent and humorous.

20 years and counting of a cliffhanger.
Screw that "bucket piece".

As Pib, an apprentice wizard, follow your master's instruction of gathering ingredients for what will be your very first spell.
Or will it...?
Brief and cozy point & click adventure.

Things i absolutely love about this roguelike:
-Art direction is phenomenal
-Number of weapons in the arsenal high and always original
-Fun perks system
-Themed levels
-Gives you completionistic vibes
-Well done codex
-Cool and varied characters, bosses, and enemies
-Nice soundtrack

What i find a little lacking:
-Sometimes the amazing art direction gets in the way of the nitty and gritty of the core gameplay experience
-The fact that you require a buddy to 100% it is annoying
-The length of the runs is brief enough as to make you complete a run, but the variety of themed levels, albeit looking stunning, is a little lacking, so you end up doing single runs sometimes because you would rather not go through the same 5 worlds yet again (it severely lacks that "just one more run" element custom to these type of games)

Overall, the game is lovely!

Outdated projectile delag, crappy netcode, community full of people with dementia, by far the most stinky community i've ever seen.
And no, i am not talking about trashtalk, which comes naturally with the Quake package, i am talking about people being able to /cv kick you for dumbfounded reasons or simply because their friend has been waiting in queue for too long and they need to get one man out to let him play; yep, like a mafia spirit.
Which brings me to the next major flaw of how the game is worked out: the queue system.
You can wait in queue for what can be without exaggeration 20 minutes straight if you're unlucky. And after you've waited and waited to play that damn CA match, you can get bad treatment from the aholes around which might not be happy with you playing and whom feel like getting you out.
No complaints about duel, but clanarena servers are severly cancerous. People simply "pretending" to play the way "they" want you to else /cv kick is unacceptable in a multiplayer game.
If it didn't come with the value of simply being Quake with its inherent validity as a piece of software, i would toss Quake Live in the trash.

Race Volkswagen cars throughout Europe and Texas.
The game starts moderately difficult and gets progressively more and more easy as you acquire faster cars.
Drifting mechanic is done well and there are multiple challenges besides the classic plain racing.
As far as music... you will listen to what feels like 2-3 techno tracks on repeat that feel a little out of place, at least in my opinion.
Overall, the game is good, albeit some cars look and feel the exact same.

Catalyst's slander by the public is to say the least a crime and unjustified cliche group hate.
This game has a wonderful soundtrack, great storytelling, exceptionally good traverse and fun challenges as well as ACTUALLY enjoyable cutscenes.
Seriously, watching the cutscenes of this game is a delight, i recall myself wanting to progress through the main storyline, which is not nearly as bad as everybody tells you; having great cliffhangers and surprise moments, to admire what the next cutscene will be like.
The fighting scenes are done masterfully, Faith looks gorgeous, the graphics are sharp and on spot, just like the animations.
A neat improvement over the first game, Catalyst's reboot of Faith manages to give her an identity and it succeeds in making you care for her, unlike the first game's up in the air storyline, which leaves the player to make up his own conclusions on whom those characters are... felt like a pretext to make a parkour game honestly.
This game has a story it wants to tell, and it expands on the lore as well, which was close to inexistent in the original.
The combat system is well done, it is fun and original, as well as easy to learn and intuitive, you kick and punch enemies in which directions you want, from above after performing wall jumps, or from below after a slide. The enemies can bump into each other, fall over... the system is very well done, it really is, i don't see where these "major reviewers" see the problem with it, it is FUN!

I honestly don't see the bashing of this title as justified nor reasonable. I can only explain it as ignorantistic pseudo-gamers which are 1 YouTube review or "insert random review article here" away from becoming fake intellectual parrots.

Ignore the group hate, this game is amazing!

The levels, just suck
You die, you stuck
Recharge shooting ability by dashing... dafuck?
You dash, you land
Protagonists, are sad
Upgrades, few and
The story, just bland
4 hours, pretend
To be 6, instead
My skills, offend
This game, The End.

(the shop beggar be like "come on i have new upgrades, oh o wait i don't that was just a lie")x4

The Church is neighboring The Casino pointing out the close relationship between money and marriage.
Explore the squallor of humanity's mediocrity helping out Larry Laffer get laid.
Easy puzzles, hot babes, kinky and arousing text, revamped visuals valorizing this classic of the adventure point and di*k, i mean click, genre.

A small communist Paris tale sprinkled with out of this world entities, egyptian gods and traditional non sense puzzles, which are relatively pretty easy and offer a pleasant 4 to 5 hours of taking in the atmosphere; which i gotta say, is good!
If you love this sort of classic adventure genre like Myst, Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals is totally worth your time!

The perfect example for how "group hate" works.
Irrational, unjustified, WRONG hate!
I will never understand the hate this game gets.
It is colorful, diverse... thematical.
You go from beaches to cold mountains, from circuses to the desert... fighting tons of diverse enemy types, unlike the few types of the first games.

The only thing i can imagine is purist deluded minds that are unable to enjoy videogames as they used to unless it's something they are already familiar with. This game is a gem.

It's a Spider-Man game, but you will have to convince your significant other to have it in groups.
That is because this game will teach you how to swing.
The game has well made traverse system, the city looks pretty good for the age of the game, too.
The boss fights are unique and the story is decently written.

This game made me fall in love with the Tycoon genre.
There is something tranquil and mesmerizing about building your park piece by piece, watching guests enjoy your rides, which you carefully built to fit in the scenarios to look pretty.

Setting up prices to your rides, shops, hell, even bathrooms but don't do that .
And watching that $ balance go up.
Keeping your park clean, raising your janitors salary to keep them happy.
Hire mascots, that fit in with your park's theme.

This and more; one of the best Tycoon games ever made, coupled with the Wild! and Soaked! expansions, which add respectively the ability to make zoos and aquaparks... it just never stops giving.

I personally really liked Chaos Happens, the graphics were nice, the usual humor was on point, the story fun, moody and outlandish, often taking inspiration from gentry folklore tales and anthic mythology.
You have well written characters, good voice acting and enjoyable old school story progression tyepe puzzles.
Overall an enjoyable experience.