70 reviews liked by Tormented0ne1

This happened with my girlfriend last night.

thank you, while playing the game I had 3 strokes, and finished the game while lying in a hospital room

The best Sonic game I’ve ever played.



MUST PLAY FOR THE STORY. Top game of all time



I'm gonna need a lot of time to think about this one but as my current thoughts stand: this is one of the most emotional, terrifying, beautiful and existential things I have ever experienced. I have nothing but praise to sing, of which will come when I finally conjure the words to say.

Just please play this as soon as you can, this is an unforgettable experience.



One of the best and most memorable games I have ever played.. The Story is beyond amazing, the storytelling is very well made as it usually doesn't force it on you too much, you get new information via "scans" and SHORT documents. However, the enemies are mostly very annoying because they stop the gameflow, the two major enemies hindered me in a way that was more annoying than scary or in favor of the athmosphere

The ending is interesting as well, it's somewhat both a happy ending and a sad ending combined.. Some philosophical thoughts are mentioned too, so go ahead and think about it if you want!



It's hard to play this and not think the best of it on pretty much every front for what it wants to achieve by the end. Horror without player intervention has never really worked for me but the designs and world were enough to grip me. Most faults are proped up by something immediately more interesting from the eerie soundtrack and deep water visuals to the script and story that plays out as you progress. I had some minor issues but they're really minor. I'm really not sure what changed with Frictional Games going into this and leaving it but this is the best they've done. While the Amnesia series generally has more interactivity and gameplay the story and writing in the more recent entries has significantly less legs than Soma's closed loop story (though I think it could go beyond this great game.)



One of the best stories ever written in videogames that deals with what it means to be human and the flickering value that it holds, while also tackling consciousness, painting a not so far into the future tomorrow, the gameplay plays a role into the narrative but it could be better from a purely game sense point of view.



Underrated game. I wish It had more recognition. One of the best games I've ever played.



I originally watched a playthrough of this game in 2015, now coming back to it and playing it I think it helped with the doomed persepective it originally gave me for life