Thank you azumanga daioh for coming out at a time when games like this were made so we get excellent sprite art

My most wanted unable to be played game solely due to fact Hibiki Tachibana is in it and is the strongest character in the game.

Thus I am forever making it known I want to play it via this review

I'm giving this game a way higher score than it probably deserves but the vibes and characters in this game are so satisfying it breaks the language barrier.

There's so many psp anime games I will never get to play but are right up my alley thanks to never being translated.

It has Madoka, Nanoha, and Haruhi in the same game. That's worth a star alone.

This is a game I absolutely love thanks to it's atmosphere and story. The character designs and attitudes are great and I was always interested in the plot. Everyone loves Nemissa for obvious reasons but Rei has one of my favorite designs in the game.

I can only give it 4 stars because it shows it's age in a lot of places, and I personally feel other SMT games have surpassed it. I'd love to see atmosphere return to an smt game with maybe the press turn system.

The game is good and I can see how people feel in love with this game. I find the game is at its best when your just exploring and exploring random towns you come across.

However the game was never able to grab on to me and get me invested as other games have. Maybe one day I'll come back to it and finish it and my opinion will be more positive.

I know people didn't like Cia but she was a big lesbian awakening for me so I love her no matter what anyone says

Everything in this dlc is quality, however it falls short due to the design of a rougelike. The use of 30 levels makes the campaign take an hour and half if you don't die.

There's an incentive to continuously replay it, however the main story is a little too short. The difficulty of the game is tough, so I don't know if 40 levels would have been to much.

Here's a tip, stock up on Lucky palettes. Once you got a bunch of them your untouchable.

Overall I enjoyed this dlc however I wish that there was more.

Blah blah blah it's yazkuza some of the writing in video games WHO CARES ABOUT THAT THEY MADE A BETTER ANIMAL CROSSING NEW HORIZONS.

Like the shareholders minigame in the previous installment, yakuza adds a minigame that somehow becomes the best part of the game and causes you to completely ignore the main story. This time they decided to just a make a version of animal crossing new horizons that's better than the original.

From what I've played the main game is fun even if the first chapter goes on a little too long. However I don't expect to finish the game and instead waste all my time on the island.

Having finally finished the game, I will say this is the best persona game. Takes all the gameplay innovations of 5 and adds it to the best story.

The story is even better this time around and is improved greatly. So many characters have been expanded upon. Persona 3'd biggest issue used to be pacing and in this game the pacing was rectified to the best they could do.

Theragy is such a great addition to combat I'm shocked at how well implemented it is. It reminds me a lot of the s-crafts in the trails series and those were super fun to use. I'd love to see this concept expanded further because this game showed a useful implementation of the idea.

Moving around has never felt better in the series, and makes traversing tarturus a lot more fun. Congrats Atlus, you finally figured out how to make your characters feel good to move.

This game shows that atlus still has it in them to create genre defining jrpgs and I am very excited for persona 6.

So far first impressions but I can't think of a single thing wrong with the game so far.

Movement and combat is some of the best in series. Hard mode is challenging but manageable (I have beaten smt 3 on hard so maybe I'm just built different.) The UI is incredible but you've seen 50 million reposts of it on Twitter.

A lot was added to the story and dorm life to flesh out the story and they knocked it out of the park. I felt more connected and interested in the characters this time.

If the game can stick the landing this will be the best persona game.

Its good, but holy shit the lack of a turbo button or skip attacks button makes this game unbearable at points.

I love turn based RPGs but holy shit there should not be moments in a game where I am just scrolling on my phone waiting for the enemy to finish their turn.

Your level up going at a snails pace makes you feel like your never getting better or improving. Which is an important feeling in RPGs.

Its good but so many turn based rpgs have surpassed it. Maybe I just am not a fan of the crpg genre. But if it causes more turn based RPGs to be made I'll be happy. Probably not.

Okay I get why people did not shut up about this game for 20 years

Somehow is GOTY despite being only $15. It's funny, challenging, and perfectly recaptures the old smt dungeon crawler feel. It's feels like commiting robbery for the amount of quality at the price point.

This game biggest strength is how the addition of the new animations makes the game feel a million times better to play than it's predecessor despite using the same physics.

The badge system is another highlight, which makes a 2D Mario game fun to play. The dumb completion coins actually have use now through a shop. The wonder effects are great in how it constantly changes the gameplay.

My negative points are how I feel it could have used an extra world, and some wonder effects are really fun but only get utilized for one stage. I understand the devs wanted every level to be unique, and for that they succeeded, but I still felt they could have made some more difficult stages using the same wonder flowers.

The talking flowers are fine, however after the devs talked about how they considered adding a mode where the flowers were dicks to you, I now hate them and mourn what was lost.

Overall best 2D Mario to date. And all it took was to be the opposite of a 2D Mario game.