Alan Wake 2010

Log Status






Time Played

12h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 4, 2023

First played

December 1, 2023

Platforms Played


My Name is Marcy, I'm a writer.
As I sat down to pick up the controller and do my replay of the game, I wondered to myself if it held up quite I remembered.
It did.
As I went through Episode 1 I loved the time put into establishing Bright Falls. As someone around the area it's supposed to be, I think it does well at making it a believable little town in the sticks that's got a certain charm to it you can't quite get in many places anymore. As soon as the plot gets rolling though I did get invested. The intrigue of what could of happened in the time Alan doesn't remember really helps push me forward and to figure out what's going on. Finding manuscripts along the way I realize they are laying out a story, the one that's happening before my very eyes. As I do some of the 1st major combat encounters in the game, I really enjoy them. A interesting idea for the genre that hasn't really been done before with shining light on the taken to weaken them.
(I can't keep up this bit)
Anyways the game is pretty damn good all around other then the fact it seems to overstay it's welcome. The Story is pretty damn good all the way through with a few problems here and there, mainly in it's pacing in some spots. For example Episode 3 doesn't really feel like it provides enough of importance for as long as it is. The combat is also pretty fun at 1st but it loses steam near the end of the game mostly because of the aforementioned Episode 3 which drags on and on, and for the 1st half of Episode 6. While the gauntlet you face at the start of Episode 6 seems like a neat idea, it really just feels like it's dragging the games runtime at that point because it's more of the same with the combat you've been doing for the last 8-9 hours you've been playing. Especially since the combat isn't particularly difficult, just somewhat time consuming by the end. Honestly I would say the gameplay of this game alone would get about a 2.5-3 star rating but the story is so memorable with so many great moments to it that it leaves me constantly thinking about it and wanting more of the story itself.

Also all the music in the game absolutely rocks. Anyways I would say more about the game but I'd rather not spoil people who are interested in it on anything. Cause if you are interested you should 100% play it.