maybe i'll be crucified for this take but oh my god i am so tired of live service games. this game is so much fun at first but it's so repetitive and is expected to survive on drip fed content

we're never getting a sequel are we?

My first PC game. How lucky am I to have this as my first PC game???

Arthur Morgan taught me more about being a good person than my actual Dad

Just when you thought it couldn't get better than Doom 2016.

World, story, visuals, art direction, gameplay characters, it's all here baby.

my intro to city building games and a great one at that

Would have been WAY better if it was more linear. It sounds weird to say, but there was way too much nothing.

better than most give it credit for. terrible marketing, great additions and updates that make this a really fun WWII game with friends.

This is what a remake should be. It feels great and fixes the issues of the original.

Tries very hard to just be Call of Duty but lost anything that made those games at the time any good.