A great port and remaster of all three core Mass Effect games. Unfortunately really buggy and requires modded community patches to fix some weird issues with the game but overall okay. If you want to live the story of Commander Shepard through an amazing sci-fi story, then definitely pick this up- it is a MUST.

A game all about saying no. Honestly presents well but lacks in the amount of options you have to express your disagreement with others. The game relies heavily on it's comedic factor and delivers well on it but other than that there is no depth to the overall game. A fun pickup that will only last you a total of 5 hours, 10 if you want to 100% it.

The original looter shooter and an absolute phenomenal game to play with friends. Game can occasionally get repetitive gameplay wise but the story and comedy keeps you invested longterm.

Played on the Xbox 360, this games multiplayer was truly something to behold. I could never wrap my head around how some people would find me chillin' in a group of people but hey, I don't know how to be an assassin. Great game to play with friends and an alright story to it as well.

A 5$ game that was worth just about that, five minutes of fun a night that would give you and friends something to do if you were bored or waiting on someone to get online.

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The games soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and the call back to the original game was a nice touch but ending made me question the whole "infinite" part. Great game to play and definitely hard on 1999 mode.

Loved finally joining a gang and fighting other gangs but sad that it's taking so long to procure more story/game play.

Extremely fun top down shooter from 1998 that brings to life that feeling of playing with plastic army men on your kitchen table and making made up battles.

Real fun with friends or randoms. The biggest issues though are connectivity, voice over IP, and audio bugs. Once they sort these out and start adding more interesting variants to the in-game characters then it should be more fun.

A tech demo to showcase the Wii's controller abilities with the Wii sensor bar. Fun but rather bland and short.

Great re-telling of the 2000's movie "Gladiator" starring Russell Crow, following a betrayed Roman General on his path of revenge against those who wronged him.

Soft, beautiful, mysterious game which is extremely fun with friends. Build a base on any planet and mine resources to unlock secrets throughout the solar system. My only gripe with it is that the enemies are these plant-type enemies so the survival aspect isn't that threatening.

One of the greatest PC shooters to date, has great and unforgiving gun-play. Only downside is it is solely multiplayer and you are at the whim of your fellow random teammates.

Great re-imagining of the Zelda series with Minish Cap. The classical Legend of Zelda story we love with small surprises and side-quests littered about the in-game world. Find a kinstone and search for someone who has a matching one to unlock secrets across Hyrule!


Although the concept of survive and struggle against not only zombies but other players as well, DayZ actually failed technically across the board as the developers struggled to create a well sounding game that could be built upon with future updates. Even after ten years the game is only starting to come together to become something playable and long while.