A memorable showcase of the horrors a war harbors.

If you haven't played this masterpiece then what are you doing with your life?

The best RTS ever made hands down.

Sequel to the greatest game ever made. A must play for RTS fans

Yet another masterpiece done in RPG Maker. You wouldn't want to miss out on this flavorful comedy.

Suspense. The creeps. Purple. Is there anything else to say about getting chased by a purple demon that wants you to be his next experiment victim?


A memorable RPG Maker game that will put you to the test with puzzles. Widely known for its enthralling story, it is replayable and offers satisfaction for those looking forward to a tale of a man seeking the destruction of a realm's ruler and restore it to it's former peace. Or so, the batter thinks..

Bros on a trip to rescue the last girl on Earth.

I feel like this had a lot of potential but the gunplay was a huge letdown. Has little revisit potential but as a zombie fan I was left satisfied.

A classic. Not much else to say here.

The paintball mode in this game is amazing. The game has some sort of horror charm to it to me, probably because of the old graphics. It could easily get a hunted vs hunter mod, if the community was still alive.

A bit grindy but a must play for any Mad Max fan. The combat is fun and has a memorable story.

There's no way you can ever master this game.

Hands down the best RTS to ever exist. The graphics while old, with some nostalgia glasses, they are absolutely amazing.

Takes the perfection a notch further, I will never be able to forget the amount of fun this single title could provide me with. Thousands and thousands of hours spent in LAN. I will never regret the experiences, tournaments and people I have met through the community of this game.