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TundraDynamics finished Assassin's Creed
What an absolute chore to 100%, I suppose it’s the backbone for the remainder of the series but it has a lot of problems. It’s not a great “assassination” game compared to say Hitman, and it’s an okay Open World. Novel for combining to two. Altair has terrible voice acting and terrible hit detection leading him to slowly climb and latch all over the place.

Interesting to see where it all began, but not much else.

5 hrs ago

5 hrs ago

TundraDynamics reviewed Destiny 2: Lightfall
Awful, rushed slop. 80s aesthetic is overdone and ill fitting for the universe, but it gets an extra star for the Stand subclass being cool

4 days ago

4 days ago

TundraDynamics reviewed Destiny 2: The Final Shape
I can back to destiny 2 for this dlc because I wanted to see how this whole thing wrapped up. I think some of the scenes missed some punch for me having not played since Shadowkeep, but I really enjoyed this finale and it was enough to get me back into the loop. Hope the quality continues and shit doesn’t backslide.

4 days ago

TundraDynamics finished Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
Kirby Metroidvania is an idea that sounds really good on paper, but in execution this falls a little flat, and not because it’s some kind of completionist pain in the ass like everyone says.

I really didn’t have any trouble 100% it besides a few annoying parts of Areas 5 and 7 where you have to backtrack again and again but that’s partially because I’m an idiot. Just try your best to hold onto a “good” ability like Smash or Hammer and you can solve most puzzles.

The real problem is the rewards you get for solving puzzles are so lackluster it feels like a grind. There are four HP ups, but beyond Area Maps that’s all the tangible benefits you get, all Sound files, cosmetics, and 1 Ups (your lives reset to 2 if you quit the game). If they had something like the Copy Scrolls from Squeak Squad it would be much more rewarding to explore. Instead I found myself checking the map to see what I had to explore the room or not.

I didn’t have multiplayer so maybe that changes things, but as it stands in single player your allies only serve to bounce around the room and be the occasional health restore.

12 days ago

TundraDynamics reviewed Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
The baseline Kirby game. Pretty much invalidates any reason to play the NES version of Kirby’s Adventure, except for curiosity, nostalgia or completionism. But yeah lots of fun copy abilities, forgiving difficulty, standard stuff.

12 days ago

TundraDynamics reviewed Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
Kirby Metroidvania is an idea that sounds really good on paper, but in execution this falls a little flat, and not because it’s some kind of completionist pain in the ass like everyone says.

I really didn’t have any trouble 100% it besides a few annoying parts of Areas 5 and 7 where you have to backtrack again and again but that’s partially because I’m an idiot. Just try your best to hold onto a “good” ability like Smash or Hammer and you can solve most puzzles.

The real problem is the rewards you get for solving puzzles are so lackluster it feels like a grind. There are four HP ups, but beyond Area Maps that’s all the tangible benefits you get, all Sound files, cosmetics, and 1 Ups (your lives reset to 2 if you quit the game). If they had something like the Copy Scrolls from Squeak Squad it would be much more rewarding to explore. Instead I found myself checking the map to see what I had to explore the room or not.

I didn’t have multiplayer so maybe that changes things, but as it stands in single player your allies only serve to bounce around the room and be the occasional health restore.

12 days ago

12 days ago

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