This game was an extremely enjoyable experience that sometimes felt more MGS than MGS4 if you can believe that. The content density was outstanding and the gameplay loop was fun and often satisfying. The writing was amazing and on par with MGS3; I'd be willing to say it even surpassed it at times. Everything from the carefully crafted story to the charming characters in it (Cecile best girl) left me wanting more after stopping for breaks. Can't wait to pay the final entry after this.

This game was my introduction to the Yakuza series and what a wild way to kick things off. One of the campiest games I've ever played and while its mechanics and fighting system were not all that appealing to me, the game was just fun to get through. It is campy but emotional; so much so that I believe it rivals Metal Gear.

While the remake graphics were splendid, the gameplay left much to be desired. The lack of poise is hard getting used to and many of the bosses are more of a puzzle than a challenge to your mastery of the game's mechanics, which I did not appreciate. Despite all this, I can see how we got Dark Souls out of this; the game has a lot of potential and classic Fromsoftware replayability.

Although I did not feel the same high I did when playing VII, Final Fantasy IX was an amazing, emotional game. The gameplay and the story are simpler (at least on the surface level) and the way they pay off by the end is extremely satisfying. I recommend people who've gotten into the Final Fantasy series to also play this entry.

I play it sometimes and I find its systems to be pretty cool.

Amazing game with amazing combat, music, and overworld. While I do wish they had mad the overworld more interesting to explore, that game makes it up with its questlines and a wide array of minigames. The new story bits were cool but I wish their pacing had been better and their presentation less obtuse. Overall, I was satisfied with it.

I have been playing for a little and despite this type of game not being my favorite genre, it's still quite fun.


Played for a little but did not get into it. It might be that fps games aren't my thing. I'm willing to try the 2016 version down the line.

It's a game ridden with bugs but its story manages to be far better than anything Bethesda has put out recently. New Vegas is a game not afraid of letting the player take horrible decisions and suffer the consequences of said decisions.

A classic, I had lots of fun playing it as a child.

I have vague memories of playing this as a kid, it was quite fun.

I remember loving this game as a child due to the diversity of characters but honestly, it wasn't all that.

Regarding the new content added, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon surpass the originals but that sadly comes at the cost of the story, which I found lacking. They are still fine games.

I enjoyed this game a lot as it felt like Gamefreak had begun to finally find its footing in this new 3D Pokemon era. The story, though not the best is fairly decent, the supporting cast is good, and the villain is well-written. Also, Red and Green's appearance was amazing.

Much like Pokemon 6, Pokemon Omega Ruby is one disappointing game and an even worse Remake. Graphically speaking, the game has improved and the new art style is quite charming, but the difficulty is a complete joke. They straight up give you a mythical halfway through the story... for free. They also removed the battle frontier which makes no sense since a remake should strive to be better than the ones that came before. The Delta Episode was fun though.