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Turbo_Sven is now playing Balatro

1 month ago

Turbo_Sven finished Hotline Miami Collection
Hotline Miami 1: 3/5
It's a fun, high octane 2D gunplay game that is wickedly brutal and visceral in it's depiction of violence. The story is fine, but not really the main focus of the game. The gameplay loop is fast-paced and satisfying as you have to carefully coreograph your attempts, because even the tiniest mistake is a matter of life and death in this game. The lack of variety though kind of starts to wear you down a little bit towards the end. The last few chapters started to drag a little bit. The soundtrack is a banger though!

Hotline Miami 2 - Wrong Number: 2/5
It's pretty much the same as the first one only longer, which doesn't do it any favours. There is some added variety since you now play as different characters in different settings, with slightly different gameplay mechanics. But overall it's pretty much the same which gets stale after a while. There was much more attention given to the story this time, but the storytelling felt a bit disjointed and was very hard to follow. So the game more or less just dragged on with more and more levels. The level design also didn't feel as tight and thought through as the first game. There were a lot of levels where you'd get shot seemingly out of nowhere since enemies were placed just outside of the players view. There were also instances where enemies would randomly break from their patterns and put you in a situation you couldn't survive. So it was basically an element of RNG if you would survive or not. It was definitely a more ambitious game than the first one, but didn't quite hit it's mark.

The actual bundle is a nice option if you haven't played the games before. However it doesn't add anything extra besides the two games, so it's not something special. The Nintendo Switch version was really good though and by utilizing the touchscreen to look around it made it nice to play in handheld mode. The Nintendo Switch sure is a great console for indie titles.

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Turbo_Sven is now playing Manor Lords

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Turbo_Sven backloggd Balatro

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