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January 5, 2024

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December 9, 2023

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One of the best co-op experiences out there in my humblest of opinions. It's one of the last split-screen enabled narrative co-op games before they sadly became a rarity, and it's a lot of fun both with a pal and without. Sure, it's not a perfect game and it does mark the point when the franchise started to lean a bit to much into the action genre. A lean which Resident Evil 6 would take to the extreme as it crashed and burned down into the gutter, forcing Capcom to make a heel turn for the better with Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. But that's a review for another time.

Resident Evil 5 is an actionfueled romp of a game that brings the usual campiness the franchise is kind of known for. Chris and Sheva make for a nice duo and Albert Whiskers is such a fun villain to watch. The gameplay does suffer occasionally from the usual QTE-gameplay that the Xbox 360/PS3 era peddled pretty hard. It also tries to dive into the exploitation of Africa, which is an interesting direction, but I feel like this particular game isn't well equipped to tackle the topic in the most nuanced way. But it doesn't really have to be either, since the main point is to just shoot some monsters with a friend and have a good time. And on that point it delivers.