Log Status






Time Played

42h 52m

Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

April 16, 2024

First played

March 11, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A cozy little game that wrestles with death and regret whilst letting you soar the oceans in a soothing and sublime fashion. The game is incredible relaxing and the art style is just gorgeous. The gameplay loop is very satisfying and if you like management typ games, then you'll always have stuff to do. The writing is really good and all the lost spirit passengers you encounter throughout your journey are really memorable as each explore different aspects of pain, sorrow, regret, acceptance and ultimately, death itself. The game manages to create a very special feeling of sadness and emptiness whenever a spirit is brought to the great beyond. You genuinely do start to miss them while at the same time being happy that you got spend time with them at all. Which is kind of the point of the game, really. To cherish the time you have with friends and loved ones, while you have it.

The only complaint I have is that it does start to drag a bit in the late game when you're inventory is set for ten lifetimes and you're pretty much just killing time to activate the next quest. Otherwise this game is great and I would highly recommend that you give this a try. I miss it already, and I finished it just mere minutes ago.