158 reviews liked by TurtleSlayer

This game is absolutely magnificent, I will start this review off by saying it's not better than Uncharted 4 but it holds up well for being its own game instead of an expansion title. Given that it probably would've worked better as an expansion game, it's pretty impressive it can stand up on its own. That being mentioned though, one of the main faults in this game (to me) is that its wayyy too short. It could've stood to be just a little longer in my opinion, though I can appreciate how it doesn't overstay its welcome like Uncharted 4 kind of did, playing 4 I often found myself thinking "Okay, we're definitely near the end now" and nope, no we were not, but I don't think that knocks off any points for me though, I do like a long video game. Moving on to my next critique, the pacing in this game just seems so slow and off at times to fall under the action category, nonetheless an Uncharted title. The open world chunk of the game is really where you'll spend most of your time, especially because they send you on a fetch quest for the Hoysala tokens needed to get the Queen's Ruby bracelet that assists in finding treasures near by glowing red and vibrating your controller, if you don't care to do this side quest, you'll spend a lot less time in that section than me and many others and the pacing will probably march along to the beat of a normal Uncharted game. Speaking of the Queen's Ruby side quest, I'd like to say I did thoroughly enjoy doing it even though it can be simplified into just driving a ton of places, killing some bad guys and maybe doing some parkour or puzzles (I can't really remember each token's requirement to achieve) and then going onto the next one, I found most of the puzzles quite enjoyable and I will say it did add a nice texture to the world. This brings me to my next point, the Uncharted franchise is consistently breathtaking in the views and world building, Naughty Dog knows how to make a game regardless of what people say about some of their more "scandalous" story telling decisions, which I'm sure we all know what I'm talking about (cough, cough Joel's death) Naughty Dog's games are never anything short of some of the closest games to perfection we'll ever get, every cutscene has something beautiful to appreciate, each view significantly more gorgeous and grandeur than the last. Not even to mention how amazing the views are when Chloe has a photo taking opportunity, just so damn close to perfection it makes you wish it was real and if there are actually places in this world that exist that are so perfect like that. Continuing on, the landscapes in the open world are so cleverly placed and mapped out and fun to explore and traverse, nothing to write home about but they're better than a lot of other "levels" or areas made for combat or puzzles. I will mention, for the first couple hours in the open world portion, I found it so hard to traverse and drive through, I was looking at my map literally every other couple second to make sure I was going the right way because it was so easy to drive in one direction to get to one area and somehow end up in another because of the map connects different corners of the map, this is MOSTLY player error though because I am a tad directionally challenged at times in video games, I am not too mad at this part and it doesn't really matter to me because I feel it fits the thick jungle environment you have going on in the game to get lost or confused. One thing that SEVERELY annoys me about the Uncharted franchise is no dedicated run or stealth button, I absolutely hate that and there isn't too much to say about that in this review because it's self-explanatory, but I feel like in an action game not being able to run especially when you're doing a timed puzzle such as the water fountain jumping puzzle is utterly asinine. However, the combat aspect of the game is, in my humble opinion, superior to the Uncharted 4 combat, I mentioned in my Uncharted 4 review that the hand-to-hand combat feels heavy most of the time and I still 110% stand by that, but the only other game I've personally ever played with melee combat that silky smooth is The Last of Us 2, which TLOU2's is miles better but I digress to say they're somewhat comparable. I really enjoyed Chloe and Nadine's dynamic, they're both such softies for each other, when Nadine was mad at Chloe for working with Sam behind her back and they were fighting was one of the best parts of the game and I sincerely hope their story together gets expanded on in the future and we get to see more of them being little softies for each other, I hope we see more of Nadine, Chloe and Sam together as a trio way more though, I loved that little glimpse we got of them right at the end. I will say the character dynamics and the views are really the backbone for this game for me because the story and Asav, who is supposed to be the "villain", are both just so bland... Maybe it's my attention span, but I really couldn't even tell you Asav's motives for wanting the Tusk or the story of the game, I just found this game substantially harder to follow than 4 which is really disappointing and let me down because the potential of this game was ample, I found a lot of areas of the story to lack creativity and the gameplay to be predictable which is why I say if you've played one Uncharted game, you've played them all. All in all, I think for the amount of time this game takes up (for me, around 12 hours over the span of multiple days), it wouldn't hurt to play it, it's all good exploration and action fun and you can't really go wrong with that. Would I say it's a must play for every gamer? Absolutely not, but if you're someone who likes Naughty Dog or games like Uncharted, I'd totally bring it up as a suggestion. My only genuine advice would be to play Lost Legacy before Uncharted 4 because there's no way you can play 4 before LL and still appreciate LL for all of its good qualities without constant comparison between the two and that's what really put a notch in my experience with this game, knowing how much better it could've been and that the potential of this title was not even close to even a quarter of being maximized for player experience and enjoyment.

Shelving this one because the “escape the eruption” sequence at the end of Act 3 genuinely started to give me a migraine

It’s like all of the wonkiest aspects of the game came together into one glorious mess of platforming hell

My frustration DEFINITELY doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I’ve been asked to work late 3 days in a row now, why do you ask?

EDIT 5/10: ok I stopped whining, went back and 100%-ed the game. The story, art, and characters are cute/interesting and some of the controls are pretty fun if unpolished. Like there are times I would be platforming then just get stuck on the ground. Nothing would be around me I’d just be stuck like my feet were glued to the ground and I’d have to jump again to recenter myself. Also the fact that half of the game feels like its centered around gliding through caves with one hit kill spike traps makes me want to send myself to the spirit realm

A simple, gorgeous jam session of a game. A dismissible (but thankfully skippable) story, but damn if I didn't dig how it made me feel like I was a Celestial Rock God.

Is it weird that I feel like a game that traffics in supermodel bodies with animal heads should have been ... weirder?

Furry noir? More like noir thank you. (I'll see myself out.)

This review contains spoilers

Just fine for an Ubisoft game, the story is nothing remarkable and neither is the gameplay. Most of the charm of this game comes from the wildly unserious characters like Juan, Bicho and Dani. There are a few things I'd change about the story being told, I really would've loved to have some kind of double agent action going on with Juan (and I really would've loved to kill him for getting Clara killed and trying to kill an innocent 13 year old boy in place of Anton), especially after he went behind Clara's back so much. Him wanting to take McKay's money in exchange for Dani sparing his life and Libertad being involved with the CIA without Clara's knowledge could've been beautifully expanded on but... Ubisoft. I also would have adored Diego surviving, leaving Yara with Dani and them having a "found family" trope. I think it's bullshit because it seemed like that was where the direction of their story together was going and then it just seemed like Ubisoft chickened out at the last second along with the classic "this guy is a terrible villain but oh no he's got terminal cancer!" theme we see so often in media (ironically, breaking bad just from a slightly different lens.) I do think that way of killing Anton off was particularly coward of Ubisoft because he wasn't a half bad villain, in the end it was kind of pointless to write in a type of sickness for a sense of desperation and urgency in the story anyhow because he just ends up slitting his throat after shooting Diego. Most of this game's flaws can be attributed to Ubisoft's lazy writers and the fact they're such a big studio they can put out nearly anything and still make millions so they've stopped caring about the quality of their work, this shows through how they have milked the title of Assassin's Creed so much they ended up losing sight of what that title even means for the game in the midst of all that greed. Now, I will say the game was still fun BUT if you're someone who likes loads of diversity in gameplay I will say this is not the one for you, personally I can play games like this for hours at a time that can be reduced to just moving the joystick and pressing L2 and R2 (aim and shoot), that's something I enjoy because I like most repetitive gameplay, I'm a firm believer not every game has to be Sekiro or Mortal Kombat to be fun but if you don't get enjoyment from lots of walking/land traversal, fast traveling, basic combat and rather stupid enemies, this isn't for you. This game is already decent but it could've been so much better had they had the balls to give Dani and Diego a mother and son relationship and killed Juan Cortez or at the very least made him some kind of snake. I really enjoyed this for what it was and I think if you go into this with mediocre expectations, you'll have just as good of a time as I did. I will say, the side quests were well written, unserious and a nice time which was surprising because Ubisoft usually sucks at side quests, if you look at literally every AC Val side quest they all suck and so clearly had no effort or soul put into them, that's one thing I WILL give this game is that it has some damn good side quests. Concluding this, there's obviously better games but this is still pretty good for being made by Ubisoft and I'd say it's one of the few in the many series titles they like to milk that suffers the least from technical difficulties, lazy writing, time crunching and/or last-minute changes.

I hate video game card games
I hate rouglites/rougelikes
I hate AR games

I was forced to play this for Halloween. I'll admit, the first part of the game, although unfair and rage-inducing, was interesting and the atmosphere/visuals were really cool. After I beat that, the rest seemed stupid and annoying so I didn't bother with it.



Hoooooly shit this game fucking rules. Tighten up the controls a bit and we legit have an all timer.



Neat take on roguelikes, love the punchy combat but special abilities are often very situational

Timeless and beautiful graphics & gameplay. My favorite part was chapter 12 "At Sea" I loved being able to drive the boat around and search for new areas to explore and find trinkets. The puzzles are hard but fun! This game is never not a recommendation. The environments are big and beautiful. El Dorado, once you find it anyway, doesn't disappoint. Most of the game impressed me and hardly disappoints all around. Combat can be frustrating and feel heavy sometimes but I played this a couple years since then and my gaming ability has gotten better, so don't take my word for that. Definitely justice for how they did Nathan in that Uncharted movie though, bro deserved better lol.

Great game, play it, it's cheap. If big developers can't give us good 3d platformers, indie developers will. Music good, gameplay is stellar, with all the cool level gimmicks. The cool thing is that the level gimmicks never go away, they stay and combine with the others which makes its very fun despite your small move set. Game short, but I love the games where there is 0 down time and just a fun ride the whole way. I'd rather have this than some 50 hour long jrpg or something along those lines. This game is amazing, and I can't wait for the free update that revamps its.

1 list liked by TurtleSlayer