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TwentyUno completed Hitman: Blood Money
A classic stealth game, set the template that the later World of Assassination trilogy would refine to perfection. As such, by modern standard this one might be a little clunkier, but it's worth adjusting to. The core Hitman experience is still there, and underneath the lack of modern quality of life features it's actually some of the best in the series.

12 days ago

TwentyUno completed Hitman: Absolution
On the weaker end of Hitman games, the level design leans more into linear levels that just doesn't feel as good as the open sandboxes of other games. The more involved story is also not great, a corny plotline that just doesn't work. Didn't love this one.

12 days ago

TwentyUno completed Hitman 3
As a standalone game, Hitman 3 is probably the weakest in the trilogy, but even the weakest of them is still very very good. Ultimately it comes down to maps, with probably the weakest offering of all three. But now that the trilogy is bundled, it doesn't matter too much, the core gameplay is still as good as ever.

12 days ago

12 days ago

12 days ago

12 days ago

TwentyUno played Osu!

12 days ago

12 days ago

TwentyUno backloggd Persona 4

12 days ago

12 days ago

TwentyUno completed Donut County
A reverse Katamari, though it doesn't quite hit those highs. In some ways it's most similar to Untitled Goose Game, a simple little comedy game that never really challenges, but with enough diversity to raise it above pure novelty status. A good afternoon time killer.

12 days ago

12 days ago

TwentyUno completed Kirby's Adventure
It's a pretty simple little game, a fun enough time but very simple. Later Kirby games would become much more interesting than its humble early games, but they aren't bad by any means. Good if you need a light and breezy platformer that won't challenge you too much.

12 days ago

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