This game pissed me off, it has the benefit of pulling from an already extensive universe (warhammer 40k) just to fall short with a story that might as well not have existed and infuriatingly janky gameplay. Some of the guns feel decent to shoot and the gore can be cool at times, but the boss fights are complete dog water. its such an "eh" of a game, i bought on sale and would have been pissed paying full price for this

great story, i havent cared this much for polygons in a few years. the combat is extremley fun and satisfying. game is also beautiful, you'll catch yourself stopping what your doing to take in the environment. My only complaint is that it falls into the open world game loop of liberating out posts and an annoying amount of collectibles.

This is basically dark souls made by pixar, the animations, voice acting, visuals, and soundtrack are all fantastic. The most fun i had with this game was exploring it's world and finding where all the Rot were hiding. Combat falls super short though the parry is totally unreliable and thats after i beat the game on master difficulty, the skill tree was shallow and combat felt sluggish.

This is the purest action game you could ever play, there is no exploration, no collectibles, no puzzles, no pick ups, and the story might as well not exist. You are literally dropped into a linear corrdor with the only inent and purpose being to shoot shit up. On paper it sounds amazing but somehow the game still falls short for me, i can see the developers put a lot of love into this but even then theres a certain level of jank you'll have to overlook. Even on the hardest difficulty this isnt a game you need to turn your brain on for, its a fun time for a short time

There's something endlessly satisfying about being given a sandbox for you to spread nothing but pure chaos and destruction. This game scratches a certain ich that i feel isnt utilized in gaming as much as i would want, which is destrucable terrain. though fun after about 60 hours you've pretty much seen everyhting the game has to offer, later stages can begin getting stale but you have absolute freedom to aproach each level how you want which can help keep things fresh within the earlier hours.

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this sequel came off extremely safe, if not for the main story i would have scored it lower, the gameplay is tight and the swinging is better than ever but where it lacks is in its side content and questionanble story beats. The biggest missed oppurtunity was not having Kraven actually hunt you during the open world, i would have liked for the antagonists to feel more threatening vs being told how big and bad they are. A good time regardless but somehow still underwhelming in certain aspects.

So far I’m really captured by the unique dialogue, the different aspects of the main characters personality constantly weighing into your conversations is an interesting way to help you navigate their psychology. Whether it be addictive tendencies or the ego of authority, these different factors are expressed constantly helping you make up your mind and choose what kind of person you want to portray yourself as. So far it’s done a good job of keeping me invested even with it’s simple point and click adventure that’s heavily dominated by slow investigation and interrogation. Art style is absolutely gorgeous as well. I’m finding that the game is very centered in politics, it gets boring and long at times with me skipping and skimming through a lot of the dialogue. I still have the interest enough to continue with the game to see how the story unfolds

Super simple game with interesting level design and mechanics. The combat is not as satisfying as I would like it to be, you have a single attack pattern for whatever weapon you’re using with a dodge that’s iffy at best. I’m not impressed with the combat whatsoever but where the game does shine is in the little mechanical instances where its systems meet to create fun experiences. It’s the metroidvania aspect of it that makes their whole thing enjoyable, the sense of exploration isn’t too riveting but it’s enough to get you from point A to point B. Very down the middle game I will probably never play this again or remember it in the grand scheme of things, this is as OK as it gets. 

Played the entirety of this game with my lovely girlfriend, and all I can say is that I never felt even a little bit of fatigue or boredom during its run. It continued to incorporate fresh and interesting gameplay mechanics to keep us on our toes with smart and intuitive puzzle design and gameplay segments. The story was heartwarming at times and charming overall, it was full of graphically stunning moments as well. I see why it won game of the year this is a celebration of gaming.the game was literally built from the ground up for coop play, It really took 2.

I love me a good neo noir and this checks all those boxes from the narration to the grit and violence of the world, Narratively it has an engaging story full of twists and turns, I could see this being a movie even or a series. Gameplay wise it’s in a league of its own. The shooting here despite being released on 7th gen consoles is so ahead of its time. The gun play and the way you litter the enemies with holes are a different type of brutal and satisfying. The death animations and hit registration are so clean it’s borderline realistic. Aside from a few cheap deaths due to its camera it was truly a joy ride.

Nostalgic asf this game is hilarious, I’ve had plenty of laugh out loud moments here but compared to San Andreas (my favorite in the series) the story, characters and missions could have been fleshed out deeper. I found myself not caring too much about the main cast or Nikos revenge story but the city feels great to live in. I would love to revisit liberty city in a modern reimagining. Driving isn’t bad at all and the physics work well, the shooting is satisfying. This is a great game.

The best feeling fighting game I’ve played in a while. I’m very excited to explore all the intricacies between the characters in an online setting. The story mode was as high quality and entertaining as ever despite it being cheesy and at times nonsensical, Netherealm putt together an interesting story with Awesome set pieces and story beats. There being Easter eggs and references to previous titles this truly is the culmination of the series. Graphics are gorgeous, characters are fun, I’m really enjoying the energy here.