I feel like they fumbled hard after MK9. I never clicked with the story, and specially the features of "customizing" characters. Which is something i still dislike on the next games. Gameplay wise was ok, wish the comic that served as a prequel couldve been made it into the game because a lot of the story stuff felt very random without it

I have mixed feelings about this one. The story gets really good but it takes way too much time to get going, the bad guys cast is superb but i didnt vibe with the good guys cast that much. For a big finale i expected something different, and the story was great tbh, but i wonder why they seemingly went away from some of the regulars on the series. The gameplay and graphics are amazing. Overall, a good game, decent finale.

an absolute masterpiece. The gameplay is enjoyable, the cast and setting are incredible, the story is amazing, everything on this game was very, very enjoyable. probably on my top 2 with yakuza 0 and its hard to argue it doesnt deserve the top spot

this game is so big it made me drop it for two years but im so glad i came back to see the second half of it. great environment, setting, lore, fights, everything is incredible. absolutely the game of the year on 2022 and probably one thats gonna be top 5 games of the decade

this was... not great. i didnt vibe with the story, it felt like an expansion that got made a single game adding some filler. didnt really enjoy the direction they took this but aside from that, i guess the gameplay was fine, but its on my bottom 2 of the franchise