this was the last game i ever preordered, you can imagine why

back then i was very angry this one wasnt similar to mvc2 but as i played it i think i prefer this one, even with a smaller roster i think they made every character very distinct

this game was so memorable its been 10 years and i still remember a lot of the best moments. it was a shame they moved on from the previous games' atmosphere as i quite liked them, but this one was very stupid and very fun.

i really liked the characters in this one, they felt more real than other games in the series. the controls werent as fun, and i really disliked having to do "those" fights.

this one is a game i remember very fondly and i still feel like its very underrated. it had a great story and fun gameplay. i hope i can get to replay it soon to see if its as good as i remember

i liked this game because it was the first time a racing game felt fun and not like a tryhard simulation

very meh game. it was gonna be hard to be the next AC after Ezio, but this one was very boring tbh (the time setting probably didnt help tho)

i remember this game very fondly because i had a lot of fun with the multiplayer. the campaign was ok, i guess.

one of my favorite things ever, one of the best stories ive ever read. something i would recommend to everyone

its been years and i still remember this game very fondly. i do hate that i got really invested into a trilogy that never quite reached what this game did tho

i really really liked the story this game started

fun, but its when the stupid stuff got so out of control that they had to reboot the series. feels like the hangover after SR3

the most i remember of this game was that i played it frequently because i got it for free. not very memorable it seems

i love the story mode, and i hate that the online ate the single player gta, as we never got an expasion like the lost and damned or the ballad of gay tony. such a shame.