it was really good, sometimes it felt like a previous gen title but the story and the music are so good it makes up for everything else

im not a battlefield fan, and i was excited to try this, sadly this game is shit. i dont like the gun play, but aside from that its so buggy at sometimes it feels unplayable

i loved the original one and this one is such a nice add-on to the experience. it sucks the pc shenanings had to go but its understandable as otherwise this wouldnt be able to exist on consoles

me like brainless fire emblem gameplay. cute pngs go brrr

i had fun playing it but then i stopped, and after playing other games i realized how poorly it looked/felt and i couldnt go back into it. i hope ill be able to go back because i had a date pending with best character judy alvarez

i hate that i really enjoy playing this game. really mediocre comparing it to everything else, yet very fun to play

i really tried to get into this, gave up the moment random cards popped up. thanks for nothing sony

really wondering which was a worse game offered by sony, this one or tennis world tour 2. i wasnt a fan of either

great game, characters, gameplay. sucks half the fanbase hyperfixated on THAT scene and didnt even care to understand the message the game was going for

a free game has no right to be this good. amazing music, great character designs. whats stopping you from trying it?

people should play the original before this one, just because this one adds the only thing that one lacks and its more interaction between the party members (and in beautiful 3D models). both are great, fun games but this one only made me look back to the original one and appreciate it a lot more

if you're reading this and havent played the game GO BUY IT RIGHT NOW. ITS AMAZING, VERY FUN, 10/10

me loves this one very much, and the qol changes are very much appreciated for someone that has probably experienced the p5 storyline like at least 4 times

gunplay very good, teammates very bad, me likes going pew pew anyway