i had fun, but it wasnt better than the first one. the change in lara's face also distracted me a lot from the game, which isnt an issue but its not a good thing that i remember that more than the game itself

great game, but if you're wondering about getting p5 or royal, go with royal

wonder if i wouldve liked this one a lot more had people not spoiled it back in the day. also i really really appreciate the museum mode

i wouldnt feel this one was such a disappointment if i hadnt played mafia 2 before

i liked this one so much ive already starting buying other tales of games.

one of the best dlcs ive ever bought

as someone with over a 1000 hours on this game, i can say it was a GREAT game from 2016 to maybe 2018. after that they ruined the fun with bad choice after bad choice. to go back today? with blizzard in its current state? YEAH, NO THANK YOU


the game was very fast, very fun. great soundtrack. what about the story? what do you mean it had a story???

i wasnt a fan of the game until the later half. after that i had a lot of fun

probably shouldve played the first one before this one, but i enjoyed it a lot

playing this one after 0 feels bad because 0 was really polished and this one feels (and is) just a remaster of an old game

it was a fun experience, but tbh it wasnt my thing. i loved kat tho, shes a great character