they never got it right after mk9. looks great, story is good but i hate the "customization" stuff

someone please teach me how to tspin ive never won on this game

i never liked god of war but this one was everything i ever wanted in a game, BOI

the gameplay is fine, but i hate the story so much im giving it the lowest rating possible because every time the game pops up i feel like i need to go on a rant about the stupid ubisoft storytelling of taking a serious topic and making it a freaking joke

very disappointing game, it was fine but you can really tell who decided things and how those things completely ruin the game

gameplay was good, but thats about it. looks ugly and the characters selected feel like an ad. such a shame

the story wasnt as good as before, and the gameplay changes they made really made me dislike the game

it was fine as a banjo kazooie clone

not my favorite zelda. i had fun but the freedom made me feel like the game could be over as soon as i wanted and it was my duty to keep it as long as possible

i wish i could bang my head into a wall to forget this game because i would love to experience it again.

i had fun but it wasnt my type of game

one of the best fps campaigns ive ever played (yeah bar isnt very high but it was very enjoyable). fun gunplay