292 reviews liked by UndoneVera

Who knew that to make Super Mario 64 one of the greatest games of all time, all you needed to do was give Mario a shotgun.

Shotgun Mario 64 is exactly what you think it is. You play through Super Mario 64... with a shotgun!
The funny thing about it is, it adds to Mario's moveset so much, it gives you even more options as to how you approach levels!
With the shotgun, not only can Mario shoot enemies and various obstacles, but he can also shoot it while in the air for extra air time. With this, you can make some ridiculous jumps in the levels, and it makes the platforming even more fun!

The shotgun also eases up on collecting the 100-coin stars! Because with the shotgun, you can also shoot enemies that were otherwise undefeatable before, and they drop in more coins! Of course, stuff like the Blue Coin switches are still important to get, but the shotgun really helped make some stages a whole lot easier.
See a Thwomp? Shoot it.
See a Heave-Ho (the trampoline enemy)? Shoot it.
See a Chuck-ya? Shoot it.
See a door? Shoot it!
See a Toad? Well, if he has a star, shoot him, and that star will come to you!

The amount of attention to detail this game has is amazing, and I hope you guys try out the game and see what you find.
Just don't shoot Koopa the Quick... trust me on this one.

Of course, the shotgun trivializes a lot of the challenge that this game has, but I don't really care.

It's funny, the whole joke of "what if Mario had a gun?", I personally don't find that funny, but when you actually make it fun, and even make Mario give a tired expression during the final cutscene of the game, I'm laughing my ass off!

Shotgun Mario 64 was a really funny, but also really fun experience, and I see myself coming back to this game sometime in the future.

I was ready to play this whole game through, and in world 1 I was like "OK it's not much now but maybe by the end this game will end up impressing me and reaching the heights Donkey Kong 94 reaches". But then I got to world 2 and hated those levels and the way ropes worked so much that I gave up. Maybe the rest of the game would have been better, and maybe I will give it another shot at some point, but man I just felt like I was wasting my time. I do appreciate Mario saying "Come back here you big monkey!" though, that's good.

Punk has razors on his dick
They cut through steel and they cut through brick
No time to fuss, no time to talk
Cause Punk has razors all over his cock
Mega Man better watch his ass
Cause Punk's gonna take him to butt sex class
He'll slice him up with his razor dong
With that kinda power you can't go wrong

(Mega Man 2 Title Theme)

That's right bitches, you can't run
Cause Punk's razor dick is number one
It won't ever stop until it's done
If you think it's silly he's already won
All mankind will fall to its knees
It's unbeatable and Punk agrees
If you wanna get away then you gotta be quick,
Cause Punk has razors all over his dick

(Mega Man 2 Title Theme, followed by Mega Man screaming while being fucked by Punk)

must play if you like fat bitches fighting over food

My teacher showed us this in class once and got so mad when a kid called it gay he had to go outside and calm down.

Quite the game. Honestly it's been so long since I last played the parts of the game that aren't tied to the pantheons, boss rushes, etc that I kind of forgot some of the opinions I used to have on those things. But no matter, I will still try to talk about some of the things I enjoyed and disliked in this game.
For starters, I'm honestly impressed by how gorgeous this game looks, it's only about 5,3 Gigabytes yet it looks so good. This is also helped by presentation of this game, the amazing backgrounds and the gothic aesthetic really give this game a solid identity that is quite unique to it.
Now for the map design, It's quite good, there are a lot of areas to explore, each having their own fun gimmick and creatures, so you get to have a lot of fun exploring all the stuff there is in the game. If I recall correctly there are about 161 creatures in the entire game, which is quite a lot, I wish some of them weren't just fillers like the guy who fixes the sign at the beginning of the game that only appears with rng.
The powerleveling of the character is quite entertaining to witness too, going from only being to walk and use the nail to dashing, double jumping and getting to use many spells really gives you the feeling that you're progressing through the game and getting stronger, which helps with the game's pacing since it is quite long.
One thing I do wanna bring up is that I wish you could see the charms, masks, nail irons you missed in each area of the game after getting your first ending to make it less of a hassle to keep track of what you didn't collect in a certain area. It's not too big of a deal just something I'd have wanted.
Now the most important gameplay aspect of hollow knight in my opinion, the bosses. There are justso many of them, so many fun boss fights to experience. Some are godly like Pure Vessel, some are boring like winged Nosk, some are stressful like Markoth, some are just rng hell like one of them... Most of them have a distinct identity and backstory which makes them quite memorable except for a few ones which are just the same bosses but stronger. Still, there are enough bosses for it to not be too big of an issue. One thing I didn't particularly appreciate about the last section of the game that's filled with boss rushes and stuff is the amount of added difficulty the game slaps in. Like for example the arena change for Markoth just makes the guy a pain to go through every single time. There is also the bindings... I wasted so much time trying to get these all binding challenges down, it was nearly completely fruitless because the odds are so stacked against you it's not even funny. On all bindings, you have 4 hearts, a nail that does 13 damage, no charms and you can only save one spell. This is so ridiculous especially in Pantheon of Hallownest where you have to fight 42 bosses, some of them have 1600 hp. It just takes forever and it's so stupidly hard, like the challenge doesn't feel designed around these settings at all, you need an ungodly amount of practice in every single boss fight to even stand a chance and I just find it silly. Hopefully in silksong, if it has a challenge similar to Pantheon of Hallownest, the bindings will be more generous towards the player or at least make the bosses more tolerable to fight even with all the nerfs to your abilities. I needed to rant about this aspect of the game because it frustrated me so much.
Anyway, overall an amazing experience which nearly took a year of my life to complete, but it was all worth it in the end for me.

A fangame I really wanted to like because the art is great here and very unique as far as Sonic games go but unfortunately it's held back by lack lustre level design which just equates to you holding forward the whole time and not much else in terms of involvement.

“Die monster, you don’t belong in this world” is what I say to this game

This game is a damn mess, maybe the finest example of a “mixed” experience. It’s complex and beautiful and plays like a dream, but paradoxically loses its best traits the more invested you become. The open nature of the castle is rarely a benefit, with the shift in the mid-game pushing that flaw to its absolute limits. It’s also the easiest Castlevania that I’ve played by far, with only a few bosses providing friction in the experience. Worst of all, though? It ends so much lower than it begins, with a fatiguing slog through the castle climaxing with an overpowered weapon shredding the final boss into mince. Dracula didn’t stand a chance.

Scrutiny doesn’t do its airy complexion any favors. It’s a game best experienced almost offhandedly. If you’re like me, you’ve heard about this game for years through hushed tones that helped build its legacy far past what a ‘97 platformer should reasonably be expected to perform at. My advice to those people? Let it stay that way. It’s more interesting to wonder.



Games as art people are so fucking stupid. Imagine sucking the dick of a game that does Pokémon style “buy the game twice” bullshit just because you can pretend it’s deep lol