3 reviews liked by UneAutreMarion

Simultaneously the most respectable and most idiotic David Cage project. Though I will give it credit for improving upon the interactivity (or lack thereof) of Indigo Prophecy, and while I can't deny that it has the most distinctive style out of any Cage game yet thanks to the backing of being a Sony exclusive, it still fails in much the same way as the rest of Cage's repertoire, but without the ironic enjoyment of the amazing stupidity of Indigo Prophecy.

The plot of Heavy Rain is absolutely idiotic and poorly conceived in just about every way, from nonsensical character motivations, a frustratingly convoluted setup, dropped and unexplained plot points, a unimaginably obtuse mystery made more bewildering by contradictory presentation, and so much more yet. Heavy Rain's constant, heavy-handed attempts at drama juxtaposed with the utter carelessness and exploitation of its directing can even cross the line into being purely offensive. Yet the biggest offense is to the audience's intelligence, as they're tricked by cinematic presentation into believing that this storyline is anything but schlock.

Yet despite that, it still manages to be one of Cage's more entertaining games.

David Cage is a director who has no vision, and a writer who has nothing to say. All he is capable of are shallow imitations of movies made by better writers and directors. He is constantly calling for gaming to “grow up” when his idea of a “grown up video game” is a C-tier version of a B-tier psychological thriller film. David Cage makes video games because it’s the only medium where his faux-auteur bullshit is not only accepted, but rewarded with critical and commercial success